Another Bust...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
A three-month joint investigation between the Special Investigations Unit and the U.S. Postal Services Office of the Inspector General culminated in a steroid bust as Cambridge, Massachusetts, Police arrested a Saugus man and seized his juice.
Earlier this year I predicted a huge bust in the Boston area, and this probably wasn’t it…but I stand by my claim that there has been increased activity by law enforcement in that area, and I’m expecting some big busts to come out of that state. Some readers may recall that I successfully predicted Operation Pharmacia de Juicy Phruit, down to the city it happened in, and the manufacturer it concerned (GeneScience), as well as disclosing sealed indictments prior to them becoming public knowledge.
Stephen Rauseo was arrested on November 2nd, when a warrant was executed and the resulting search of his vehicle turned up a variety of anabolic steroids.
Judging from the picture accompanying this story in the mainstream media, this guy was a major D-bag (he’s 47 and owns something made by Ed Hardy), and he’s got quite the collection of terrible bootleg/counterfeit steroids – including fake British Dragon, fake Quality Vet, and a bunch of other stuff that looks to be IP knockoffs.
The drugs were a variety of controlled substances consisting of eight bottles of various injectables, about 600 pills, and a bunch of other gear, as well as needles, $1,093 in cash, and packaging materials. The bust wasn’t that big in terms of what was seized, but the packaging materials would lead me to believe that he was selling stuff online, at least on a small scale (likely a a guy who was selling off his extras).
Rauseo was slapped with a bunch of charges ranging from possession to distribution. Although I normally try not to repost the same photo twice in a given article, it’s worth it in this case, because the dude kept his steroids in an Ed Hardy gym bag, and that’s just hilarious.
where did this article come from? it sounds like some bullshit to me, doesnt sound like an actual article from a news paper or from any real news outlet
where did this article come from? it sounds like some bullshit to me, doesnt sound like an actual article from a news paper or from any real news outlet

From Anthony Roberts...he's a d-bag.

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Way to go Homer !!

I always say it and I'll say it again...once you have street drugs or any form of pain killers to your arsenal , always brings bad news. Atleast I'm judging that is what is in the prescription vials.

This is whats killing BB'ers........Fucking Oxycontin and the like. Stay the fuck away from that shit...I know first hand how steroids and pain killers leads to a VERY BAD scenario !!

Peace Oz