Another fitness ridiculous product

LMAO, that is fucking insane...Good idea in theory, but it'd need a lot of revamping to get it marketable
The sad part is people will actually buy this. fat people are very gullable and will buy anything that is marketed towards fitness
hahahahahahaha ahhhhhh oh man power squats with 30 pounds aye? shoulder press with 30 pounds? etc..... in little text it says achievable with 50000-70000 reps per day
I going to be the oddball and say it's really not that bad. It look a little awkward, but it's versatile, and although only 30lbs, I bet most people could get a good workout with it. It's obviously not something a bodybuilder would use, but for the other 99% of the population, it probably isn't that bad.
I going to be the oddball and say it's really not that bad. It look a little awkward, but it's versatile, and although only 30lbs, I bet most people could get a good workout with it. It's obviously not something a bodybuilder would use, but for the other 99% of the population, it probably isn't that bad.

True, but you're not going to get "totally ripped" as the commercial implies. But I see you're point, there's worse things out there. I just wouldn't waste money on it when there's always a gym open with a lot more options
Lol, it certainly isn't going to get you huge, but I suppose I wouldn't mind having something like that around at home to do dips or pushups and to help me stretch out on off days.
I posted for had someone ask me about the shake weight the other day and said wal mart sells dumbells and they shakeweights to dumbells also. It just cracks me up how people will buy anything though. Its got several commericals. The Rack that is.