I'm loving HGH..........Better muscle tone, skin and hair improved greatly. People keep saying I look bigger and I haven't been training much lately and my diet has been mediocre.
I have noticed my immune system has improved. Usually out here in Tennessee the change in whether can bring on strong fevers, allergies and my nose usually clogs fast...... im only 3 months in GH at 2 i.u. daily and im loving it.
My gut is definitley leaning out and my sex drive is up. So far so good......I'm going to use GH for as long as I can possibly afford it.....So far I have 1 years supply on hand. I look forward to the gradual positive effects at a low dose as to avoid probable side effects.
Hydergine and piracetam are great for studying and keeping the mind sharp. You really have to try them to believe what they can do for you.......especially students and those requiring high levels of mental output throught the day.