
Here is some info:

Alpha-lipoic acid(lipoic acid) is a universal anti-oxidant: it works in both fatty and watery regions of cells to quench free radicals. It also helps to recycle other antioxidants, including vitamins E and C, Co-Q10, and glutathione, extending their metabolic life. (Packer L, et al. Alpha-lipoic acid as a Biological Antioxidant. Free Radical Biol Med 1995;19(2);227-50). Since 1951, it has been recognized as a coenzyme necessary for carbohydrate metabolism in the biochemical reaction known as the citric acid cycle. Based on American research showing it increases glucose burning, lipoic acid is medically approved in Germany to treat adult onset diabetes(non-insulin-dependent) and its complications.

Because it is a sulphur compound, alpha lipoic acid can bind and help eliminate heavy metals such as copper, iron, mercury and cadmium; risk factors for a wide range of degenerative diseases. In German studies of Type II diabetes (NIDDM), alpha lipoic acid has shown promise, as well as in cataract studies at the University of California at Berkeley and in cardiovascular studies concerned with LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

Although there have been hundreds of studies over 40 years revealing how lipoic acid energizes metabolism, the new excitement about this vitamin-like substance can be seen in the many recent studies focusing on how it improves the physique, combats free radicals, protects our genetic material, slows aging, and helps protect against heart disease, cancer and many other diseases.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid has been used successfully for the maintenance of liver health and as a treatment for several toxin-related illnesses. Alpha-Lipoic acid has been used extensively in Europe for years as a non-toxic nutrient to treat various chemical overdoses such as mushroom poisoning, radiation poisoning and alcoholic hepatitis. It has also been used to treat diabetic neuropathy and elevated liver enzymes. Elevated liver enzymes, which can indicate liver damage, can be a serious problem for people with life threatening diseases. For people who take oral medications such as antibiotics and/or anti-virals, balanced liver enzymes are essential for these drugs to get metabolized properly. Unfortunately, these same drugs can cause increased liver enzymes. Alpha-Lipoic acid may help protect the liver so that you can take certain drugs. Another benefit of Alpha-Lipoic acid may be its ability to elevate the levels of glutathione (GSH). Low levels of glutathione may cause oxidative stress, and cause inflammation and damage organs. It may also cause damage to nerve cells, leading to peripheral neuropathy. Oxidative stress may also speed up the replication of HIV.

According to Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., in Lipoic Acid: The Metabolic Antioxidant,

"Both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetics will be excited to learn that lipoic acid has been used for nearly 30 years in Europe to treat diabetic neuropathy, help regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetic retinopathy and cardiopathy," Passwater says. "Lipoic acid not only protects the nervous system, but also may be involved In regenerating nerves. It is also being studied in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease."

"Lipoic acid has also been used for decades to protect the liver and to detoxify the body of heavy metal pollutants, such as excessive iron and copper and toxic metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury," Passwater continues. One of the most exciting recent developments is that lipoic acid appears to help slow the progression of HIV-infection to clinical AIDS."

It appears that alpha-lipoic acid, alone or together with vitamin E, is an effective treatment for radiation exposure, lessening indices of oxidative damage and normalizing organ function, according to Lester Packer, Ph.D., et al. in Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1995. This therapy has been effective In treating children living in areas affected by the Chernobyl accident in the former Soviet Union.

A preliminary study with lab animals indicates that taking A-L-Carnitine with A-Lipoic Acid produces much better results than either alone. The report has sparked a human trial. Click here for report.
Neither animal nor human studies, so far, have shown serious side effects with the use of alpha-lipoic acid, Dr. Packer says. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women without proper supervision. Since it may interfere with vitamin B-1 utilization, a thiamine or B vitamin supplement may be warranted if lipoic acid is given to thiamine-deficient individuals, such as alcoholics.

(Ref: Passwater R., PhD., Lipoic acid: The Metabolic Antioxidant. New Canaan(CT); Keats Publishing;1995.p 38.) (Doctors have a lot of good things to say about MSM, a sulfur compound and antioxidant.)
Pure Alpha lipoic acid, in 3 sizes, in an easy to absorb gel capsule. No added sugar, salt, starch, wheat, corn, yeast, soy derivatives, colorings, flavorings or preservatives. White rice used as filler.
I take a formula that has A,C,E, zinc, and a bunch of the other antioxidants are in it as well (milk thistle, citrus bioflavinoids, selenium, copper, pycnogenol, etc)

I also take ALA and extra C and E.
I take 1200mg of ala every day.  I was reading on elite that some people take 3000mg per day and they swear that they can see there fat melt off.   #$  take it for what it's worth.