Any ladies using gear here?


New member
I was just wondering if any other ladies here used any sort of gear. I am currently cycling winny and EQ in very small doses. I know many woman don't dare touch gear, but have any of you taken the plunge. If so, what are you taking and what were the results or side effects. I would love to share some info.

LOL! I don't expect anyone to drop everything that they are doing on account of me. I am just curious about it, since so many people are very much against woman using steroids. I have gotten my share of private messages practically flaming me for being so irresponsible in taking gear.
I'm a test man myself :)

Love to have it coursing through my veins!

I'll try anavar after my first liver transplant. LOL!
About two years ago I did primo (50mg EOD) along with some winny (50mg EOD). I got too big for my little body though. And I broke out on my face, which sucked real bad. I really didn't enjoy the primo shots either. Personally I prefer anavar. It works great for me. I put on lean muscle. And I looked very fit, muscular but not overboard. (I'm into the fitness look). :) Btw, welcome to mc!!
I cannot stand the shots myself. Almost had a nervous break down the first four or five of them. I inject my winny EOD, and I still HATE it more then anything. My husband gives me my EQ shots twice a week. I can't get anavar or primo, so I had to stick with winny, and then decided to throw 100mgs a week of EQ in the mix. Now I am just waiting impatiently to see some sort of results or even sides.

I am six feet tall and weigh 170 pounds, and no I am not fat at all. MOst people think that just because of my weight. With my frame, I can put on an awful lot of muscle and still look womanly.

BG, my hubby is on one gram of test a week along with some fina and dbol. He seems to like the test an awful lot as well. He has only been on for five days, so he does not "feel" it just yet.
my2rotties said:
I cannot stand the shots myself. Almost had a nervous break down the first four or five of them. I inject my winny EOD.

Not sure if you know this or not but you can drink the winny and get almost the same effect.

I did 50mg (minus the ester) of Deca for 12 weeks and LOVED it! No negative sides. Just really strong! ;o) Currently debating a second cycle.
i am
I have taken winny and got amazing results, loved it actually, I would do, 1cc mixed with b12 3 times a week, it made me ripped and gave me a lot of strength. My next cycle is going to be primobolan depot, cytomel and winnie tabs
but winnie so far has been good to me just take it in small dosages so avoid virilization
Lady Viking said:
I haven´t use any gear so far.
Good for you! Most people are to quick to jump on the gear wagon before reaching there own genetic limits!

Also, get AOl sometimes I've been bored! :(