Any point in taking Masteron and Proviron together?


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Any point in taking Masteron and Proviron together or should my lab rat take test propionate and proviron?

And if the rat takes proviron with the test propionate, will the proviron help with less water retention from the propionate?
You really should use MC's encyclopedia. There's a lot of great info in there on all three of the drugs you listed. Ill give your something brief-

If it where me, Id take all 3. Test and mast work well together, and proviron will allow the body to absorb more test, and block estrogen. -and yes, keep from bloat.
You won't see anything from masteron until you are in the single digit BF range.
That is my experience with it...
MMX2 said:
You won't see anything from masteron until you are in the single digit BF range.
That is my experience with it...

I hear the same thing from everyone else who has actual personal experience with it.
I've never been in the single digits. but i've had a lot of experience with it. It works a lot like tren, and blocks e at the same time. So i actually find it better than tren.
normalsucks said:
I've never been in the single digits. but i've had a lot of experience with it. It works a lot like tren, and blocks e at the same time. So i actually find it better than tren.
you are correct...and it is not as "mental" as tren, one of my favorite compounds, try the enthanate version if you can get your hands on it..
Some of the more advanced UG labs made prop/mast/tren or prop/tren/winny. all three drugs where 100mgs per ml baked together. "Cooper Labs" for instance called the masterone combo "pure fucking magic" -cause it was.

It was so nice only having to prick myself 1x per day and get in 100mgs of tren, 100mgs of winny, and 100mgs of prop!!

god i miss those days...
You really should use MC's encyclopedia. There's a lot of great info in there on all three of the drugs you listed. Ill give your something brief-

If it where me, Id take all 3. Test and mast work well together, and proviron will allow the body to absorb more test, and block estrogen. -and yes, keep from bloat.

This was solid info, old thread im bumping for an updated look at Masteron and proviron steroid cycles pre contest
This was solid info, old thread im bumping for an updated look at Masteron and proviron steroid cycles pre contest

I’m reading more about it because I’ll be contest prepping by stacking:
400 test e,
800 eq,
800 Masteron E
350 Proviron
Mostly throughout a 20 week cycle
It’s for Physique

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Unlocking the Synergy of Masteron and Proviron for Enhanced Performance

Masteron and Proviron are two powerful compounds that have gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes seeking to optimize their physique and performance. In this article, we delve into the unique properties of Masteron and Proviron, and how they can be stacked together to create a potent combination for achieving your fitness goals.

1. Masteron: The Lean Muscle Enhancer

Masteron, also known as Drostanolone, is a DHT-derived anabolic steroid with a strong affinity for androgen receptors. Its primary role is to promote lean muscle mass and improve muscle density while reducing body fat. Masteron does not aromatize into estrogen, making it an excellent choice for those looking to avoid water retention and gynecomastia.

2. Proviron: The Versatile Anti-Estrogen

Proviron, or Mesterolone, is an androgenic oral steroid that acts as an anti-estrogen agent. While it does not promote significant muscle gains on its own, it plays a crucial role in preventing estrogen-related side effects when used alongside other anabolic steroids. Proviron also enhances libido and may provide a mild boost to overall energy levels.

3. The Synergy: Masteron and Proviron Stack

When combined, Masteron and Proviron create a unique synergy that can enhance your cutting or lean bulking cycle. The stack can help to maximize muscle hardness, vascularity, and definition while preventing estrogen-related issues. The result is a well-sculpted, dry, and aesthetically pleasing physique.

4. Dosages and Cycle Duration

For a Masteron and Proviron stack, dosages will vary based on individual experience and goals. Typically, Masteron is used at doses ranging from 300mg to 600mg per week, while Proviron is used at 50mg to 100mg per day. The cycle duration is generally between 6 to 10 weeks, depending on individual preferences.

5. PCT and Safety Considerations

As with any steroid cycle, a proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is essential to help the body recover its natural hormone production. While the Masteron and Proviron stack is considered relatively mild, it's crucial to follow a PCT protocol to maintain gains and prevent potential side effects.

6. Combining with Other Compounds

The Masteron and Proviron stack can be combined with other compounds such as Testosterone, Winstrol, or Anavar for enhanced results. However, it's essential to research the potential interactions and side effects of any additional compounds before incorporating them into your stack.


The combination of Masteron and Proviron offers a powerful and effective solution for bodybuilders and athletes looking to achieve a lean, sculpted physique with minimized estrogen-related issues. The unique properties of these compounds work together to create a synergy that enhances muscle hardness, vascularity, and overall aesthetics. As with any steroid cycle, responsible usage, proper dosages, and PCT are crucial for maintaining gains and minimizing potential risks. Consult with healthcare professionals or experienced users to ensure safe and effective implementation of the Masteron and Proviron stack in your fitness journey.