Anybody wished they would have stayed natural?

Great question, I wish I knew more about DHT prevention, or dht conversion,lol, My hair is thinning and i hate it,lol, both my grandfathers were bald so it might have been inevitable anyways,lol, not that im bald, you can barely tell im thinning but i can tell and i hate it!

And no im good with how i have done things, as i got to a point/size where now even that i have been off for a long time (year) im still sitting at 270lbs and its all mine to keep even if i never do gear again , so im quite happy how i did things other then not knowing enough about dht
I wish i would have waited longer i think it would have helped me achieve more. + the hair issue, man i would like to have all my hair like i did.
Or at least waited till they knew more about things.?
Give anything to have had access to HGH when I was in college playing football and had more knowledge of how to use gear. I was doing 200mg a week from jan to aug. then off Had to do over I would up the amount and stay on during the season. Probably run cycle from jun-sept. then cycle from jan-April.had I known if probably been able play pro ball for few years. I was close but just not big enough at 225. They didn't test back then and EVERYBODY was using gear. HGH would have helped with few of my injuries also. To Hell with natural. Wished I'd uped the annie so I could have improved my natural bank account
Give anything to have had access to HGH when I was in college playing football and had more knowledge of how to use gear. I was doing 200mg a week from jan to aug. then off Had to do over I would up the amount and stay on during the season. Probably run cycle from jun-sept. then cycle from jan-April.had I known if probably been able play pro ball for few years. I was close but just not big enough at 225. They didn't test back then and EVERYBODY was using gear. HGH would have helped with few of my injuries also. To Hell with natural. Wished I'd uped the annie so I could have improved my natural bank account

Amen to that brutha!!!
Only wished I'd stayed natty another 1-2 yrs.....then again I competed back then and I sure I would have not placed so high had I not drugged
Great question, I wish I knew more about DHT prevention, or dht conversion,lol, My hair is thinning and i hate it,lol, both my grandfathers were bald so it might have been inevitable anyways,lol, not that im bald, you can barely tell im thinning but i can tell and i hate it!

And no im good with how i have done things, as i got to a point/size where now even that i have been off for a long time (year) im still sitting at 270lbs and its all mine to keep even if i never do gear again , so im quite happy how i did things other then not knowing enough about dht

gear doesn't cause you to go bald it just speeds up the process-if it's gonna happen it's gonna HAPPEN

you can either be bald with 12 inch arms or with 20 inch arms
Its a toss up for me...Through the course I gained a lot of knowledge about bodybuilding and created a build that I have pretty much kept despite not working out seriously for a few years. No regrets really although I should have waited a few more years. I said this before, but I probably will just run legal supplements in the future. I don't want to worry about all that goes along with using gear. Legal, health, and otherwise. I hate having to hide gear, worry about receiving packs in the mail or getting scammed or getting busted, frequent and painful injections, worrying about abcesses/infections, constant battle with gyno, etc. It's tiring for me and I don't have the patience or excitement for it anymore. I'll work with my little gains and just get in the best shape I can. I'm not going to compete in bodybuilding or power lifting so why put my body through all of this is my thought.
gear doesn't cause you to go bald it just speeds up the process-if it's gonna happen it's gonna HAPPEN

you can either be bald with 12 inch arms or with 20 inch arms

yea but i would rather have hair till i am old than at a younger age. and i still dont have 20 inch
i wish i would have for sure, in the begening this life style caused me alot of problems. i wish i would have been more educated about this sport. and seriously i wished i would have lost all my body fat before i jump on a cycle, what hell it was trying to shred with no nutricional knowledge. would have saved me 6 grand in gyno surgery too for god sakes
i wish i knew more about things those prohormones messed me up. people have asked if i have used roids and i feel like i honestly havent. i didnt really have great gains on PH's and they definately didnt last. now on TRT 100mg a week
Not so much anymore because all of the sides I fought for a while have went away, but when I was fighting Deca dick for a while I regretted not knowing what I was doing, but now I don't regret anything.