Anyone do this?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I see and read alot about using lime and or lemon in water to lose fat. I posted something a while back about just how it taste better but the fat burning is a plus. However like everything if its good for one thing its bad for another thing, like its bad for your teeth do to the acidity.
I see and read alot about using lime and or lemon in water to lose fat. I posted something a while back about just how it taste better but the fat burning is a plus. However like everything if its good for one thing its bad for another thing, like its bad for your teeth do to the acidity.

You can get dentures to correct losing your teeth, so there's really no bad sides lol
Metal try this
as SOOON as you get up rush to get a warm to hot glass of water (drinkable of course) and add half of a squeezed lemon in it and chug it down.
It will really help clean you out! haha but make sure you don't have to go anywhere for a little while. 1st time I did it I had a pretty serious "movement"
Helps clean you out like a natural cleanse.
Metal try this
as SOOON as you get up rush to get a warm to hot glass of water (drinkable of course) and add half of a squeezed lemon in it and chug it down.
It will really help clean you out! haha but make sure you don't have to go anywhere for a little while. 1st time I did it I had a pretty serious "movement"
Helps clean you out like a natural cleanse.

I crap like 5 times a day so I dont think I need any help in that aspect lol
OH man....this would be sooooooo easy for me right here! You laid this out on a silver platter there metal! You must be slipping in your young age?

hahahahahahahaha But you there would be a turn of events to follow
LMAO.......exactly and I figured reprisals might spill over to my facebook page and I can't afford for my kids to hear that type of language! LOLOLOL

hahahaha hey now I been pretty good with editing what the brain comes up with on the draw