Anyone Have a NPP Recipe for Dummies??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hey guys,

I'm needing a basic recipe for NPP using GSO dosed at 100mg/ml. I'm not the best at what % of BA and % BB, etc. So, if some could just fill in these blanks that would be awesome....

____ of NPP powder
____ GSO
____ BA
____ BB
____ makes how many ml at 100mg/ml????

Thanks guys,
10 grams of powder, 5ml ba, 2ml bb, 87ml GSO = 10 vials, each vial 10ml x 100mg per ml

You can use the Propionate recipe in the sticky thread here for this recipe as well,

also i would use a 100ml vial, and fill vial with 100ml water, mark where the 100ml line is, then empty vial, then add your 10g powder, then your ba and bb, let dissolve properly, heat if needed, then add the GSO up to the line you marked off, so you know you have exactly 100ml at 100mg/ml . Shake, heat if needed, shake, heat and VOILA!

cheesy easy
Yeah but I might have gotten the bb ba backwards lol not sure now as it's been years since I played around with recipes
Oh but I will say this though, you can make nearly anything using the sticky posts propionate recipe
Yeah Boss, I noticed you had the BA and BB reversed. No biggie. Mucho Appreciato!!!
Powder 10gr.
BB. 15mls
ba. 3mls
Oil 72mls (With short esters I normally use straight EO, because Ill inject more frequently and i like to use a 25ga pin. and I have no Issues with E.O. long esters I use E.O./G.S.O. 50/50
Npp is relatively easy to make. It holds very easy as long as you use the right amount of heat. But as states the prop recipe is just fine, I don't have the displacement for some reason but on a roid calc I would use between.88 and .909. If I can't find the exact I use another hormones with that same ester. I like to let npp and TP, TRA , all depending on purity which can be difficult to determine, reach a temp of 90C to about 105C depending. This is after letting the raw dissolve into a clear liquid with your BB. Then I have don't things both ways honestly, I either add half of the BA in the beginning or add all the BA after getting a clear hormone in bb and after adding the oil and allowing it to then reach the temp it needs to and add it when it cools to 60-65C, basically before it goes into a zap cap with a pre filter.
BA-2% , BB-18-20% until you have it all perfect then you can mess with the BB amounts and see if it holds and is painless for you.

As for 200mg/ml, I've made t prop/npp at 100 each per ml totaling 200mg/ml and it was painless. Npp is funny, it kinda acts like a carrier when mixed with another hormone. But I would try a small 10-20ml batch making it with just 2/20 BA:BB. If that turns out to be painful. Try adding 25% EO to it. I always try to avoid EO/Guaiacol, but certain times you can't avoid it. Npp is what I consider an in between long and short in terms of conversion, but I would always advise to use at minimum eod. For me, E3D doesn't seem to work so well.

Worst case make make it at 150 with a thin oil rated for high heat, using just 2/20. You can find organic safflower and sunflower very cheap and both are very thin, at least that's been my experience at wally mart lol.
This worked out great using the Prop recipe. I did reduce the BA content from 5% to 3.5% though... Holding fine and no pain at all.. ;)
Npp there is no need for eo even at 150. Just 2/20 and presser is correct you can make most items from the prop recipe, not win oil nut most.

But with npp 2/20 and your oil of choice should be painless. It's all in cooking it right. Skip the water in the pan stuff just set your beaker in put 20BB, and the raw. The BA will cook off if using it now. Heat until clear no swirls. 10 minutes maybe at medium to mediu high. Add the oil. Reheat up to about 90 C and depending if it's pure go up to 100 C. Don't burn it or let it change color I should say but when it hits that temp take it off, continue to stir. Then set back on pan with heat off stirring occasionally unless you have a magnetic stirrer, leaving on the pan after the heat is off allows it to stay at a higher temp for a few. On what down to about 60 to 65 C add in your BA make sure u stir well. If u use a zap cap start filtering at 49 C. I add a Whatman pretty filter size 70 mm you can find on RLS but they have a new name. The pre-filter catches all the larger particles and allows a faster brew. I actually wet mine with ba before use, dumb right. But it inhibits the growth of new bacteria and the filter is perfect for it to grow and is a inhibits new growth so while u filter out the bacteria it spreads rapidly and slows down your filter. I run 6 ml thru into a separate media bottle. It's not going to kill bacteria u filtered out but it will prevent that from growing. And look on a zap cap it says it can be re used right after if still wet. Well it will be. Change pretty filters and go again I can get as much as I want thru a single .
, zap cap.
Very old thread I know but what did you mean by the BA "cooking off" if added at the start?

Ive always added the BA and BB along with my powder and oil then heated unless making tren which I used a different method so to not oxidise or overheat the powder.
Very old thread I know but what did you mean by the BA "cooking off" if added at the start?

Ive always added the BA and BB along with my powder and oil then heated unless making tren which I used a different method so to not oxidise or overheat the powder.

Same principal as tren, the heat needed to fully put the Npp into solution, meaning reaching its melting point before letting it cool to filter is a high temp and ba, starts to evaporate at a lower temp so I add the ba when I'm letting the solution cool.

Most gear has a relatively low melting point, its typically the short esters that require higher heat especially if its pure or close like 98-99% so its best to add the ba when its cooling.
GSO is great. I preferer coconut for everything but tren, safflower has a high heat rating and is a thin oil as well. When selecting an oil make sure if u are making a short ester it has a high heat rating because short esters require higher heat. The solvents will have them in liquid state much lower than the hormones melting point but you want to make sure you still heat it to the hormones melting point.

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