Anyone know a sholder surgeon in KC?


New member
Anyone know any good sports surgeons in the KC area? Got to get these (@*#$)(*@_ rotator cuffs fixed, since I can't find any DECA, LOL, since that would be illegal. :-)
Damn that would suck dude. I doubt it's that bad, probably just needs cleaned and scraped for old injuries and buildup. Good luck on your recovery, Rico.
Don't know a surgeon right off hand

:) but will look into it.The first thing I thought of though was my chiropractor.I know what your reaction to that is and I hate to even use that word for him because he's a trillion times more than just that.But,God as my witness the man performs miracles everyday with people that have problems just like your shoulder. He kept me from having surgery on my right elbow last year.I had the opposite of tennis elbow.Mine hurt on the inside of the elbow(tennis elbow hurts on the outside)my personal doctor tried microsurgery on it twice and said the next step for me was the blade and then I met this guy and he had me back to full weight curls (110-140 for reps)in two months.....I couldn't curl 15 lbs b4....He's the best thing for anything that ails you.....I see him once a month to keep my my immune system up,He checks the energy levells of all my organs,endocrine system,and yes he even pops my back.....You got a health problem and he is the cure....Best thing though,He's cheap.Only $20 a visit and well worth it to see if he can fix it.PM if interested.:D