Anyone know what the RSS feature is on forum home page listing is


Staff member
I know,lol, im asking you guys how the site works, but i have no clue what the RSS button is for?
It should put the format into xml/rss format so users can read posts in a news reader or podcast reader. I guess the benefit is users can subscribe to it and have posts come up in their reader.
It should put the format into xml/rss format so users can read posts in a news reader or podcast reader. I guess the benefit is users can subscribe to it and have posts come up in their reader.

I think ur right, it shows up on my iphone under reader and loos much much cleaner on the phone when reading long articles and posts, atleast i thinks that what it is, lol
ah cool...yep should be easy for people to subscribe to a forum and have the newest posts pop up in their favorite podcast application.