Anyone try SARMS? (Acetamidoxolutamide )


New member
It looks promising, but also like the sides could be a pain in the ass.. literally. Anyone have feedback?
No I havnt heard to much on it..Im waiting it out to see how it goes with other people first before I give this a shot
it is still "legal"

but not much out there about it. youll find a few guys who are like "YEAH BRO ITS BETTER THAN TEST OR ANYTHING IVE TAKEN" butthen again it could just be the guy selling it thats posting up.

not enough time has passed to say if this is as good as some claim it to be

all in due time though
The logs I have read have been amazing.. but like jon said, who knows if hes promoting his own product. I might give it a try because your supposed to be able to eat like a horse and it just goes through you... I would love to try some eq with this stuff =)