
Staff member
wife and i stayed up to watch it, and it was pretty decent, setting up a lot of new characters, so wasn't mind blowing although my wife thought it was fantastic, i thought it was just pretty good. highly recommend it though!

it opened up with a scene that made you think just how hard life was back in early mans day, and how our will to survive must be incredible and our sense of community. Im sure a lot of you will take away different things from that opening scene, but it will make u think regardless! I thought it was thought provoking anyhow!
2 episodes down now, not too bad, though I'm still waiting for all the good stuff to happen lmao, you watch it yet mountain man
Lol yeah I would lose my mind if I started seeing shut like that. Hope episode 3 is better
well episode 3 sucked donkey balls, so far this season is ass! wife still loved episode 3 but so far each episode has been like its own separate story and they haven't started to bring it all together yet, it sucks!
well episode 3 sucked donkey balls, so far this season is ass! wife still loved episode 3 but so far each episode has been like its own separate story and they haven't started to bring it all together yet, it sucks!
Thanks for the heads ups I'll watch it in the morning and suffer threw it.