
MuscleChemistry Registered Member
[h=1]AOD9604[/h]AOD9604 is a peptide fragment (hGH Fragment 177-191) of the C-terminus of Human Growth Hormone to which a tyrosine is added at the N-terminal end. Studies have suggested that AOD9604 is more effective than its predecessor AOD9401 in its ability to stimulate lipolytic (fat burning) and anti-lipogenic activity. Like Growth Hormone, AOD9604 stimulates lipolysis (the breakdown or destruction of fat) and inhibits lipogenesis (prevents the transformation of fatty food materials into body fat) both in laboratory testing and in animals and humans. Recent clinical research studies have shown that AOD9604 did show a reduction of body fat in the mid abdominal area in both obese, over-weight, and average built people.

[h=2]AOD9604 Peptide[/h]

Sequence: Tyr-Leu-Arg-Ile-Val-Gln-Cys-Arg-Ser-Val-Glu-Gly-Ser-Cys-Gly-Phe
Molecular formula: C78H123N23O23S2
Molar Mass: 1815.08152
CAS number: 221231-10-3
PubChem: CID 71300630
Synonyms:hGH Fragment 177-191, AOD-9604, 221231-10-3

[h=2]AOD 9604[/h]

[h=2]The Development of AOD9604 from Human Growth Hormone[/h]Investigators at Monash University discovered that the fat-reducing effects of GH appear to be controlled by a small region near one end of the GH molecule. This region, which consists of amino acids 177-191, is less than 10% of the total size of the GH molecule and appears to have no effect on growth or insulin resistance. It works by mimicking the way natural Growth Hormone regulates fat metabolism but without the adverse effects on blood sugar or growth that is seen with unmodified Growth Hormone.

[h=3]The Fat Loss Properties of AOD 9604[/h]In laboratory tests on fat cells from rodents, pigs, dogs, and humans, the HGH fragment released fat specifically from obese fat cells but not from lean ones, reduced new fat accumulation in all fat cells, enhanced the burning of fat. In rodents (rats and mice), HGH fragment reduced body fat in obese animals but, enhanced fat burning without changing food consumption or inducing growth (as it does not increase IGF levels) or any other unwanted Growth Hormone effect. Recent research has shown AOD9604 to be an extremely potent and effective fat burner. Metabolic is developing AOD-9604 for the potential treatment of obesity. Research studies have shown that AOD9604 actually acts on the reduction of excessive adipose tissues such as those in the abdominal area, increase in muscle mass, and enhances the lipid content of the body.
These segments of the synthetic peptide AOD9604 have been researched for their in vivo effects in laboratory mice musculus. Results have shown that AOD9604 have resulted to a short-period increase in blood glucose and a more sustained increase in plasma insulin, together with other fragments such as 172-191, 177-191 and 178-191. In addition, the researchers have suggested that functionality of the peptide depends not only in the informational sequence but should also have the correct physical configuration (Ng and Borstein 1978). Also, AOD9604, being a region of high accessibility to proteases and also rich in proline, have been demonstrated to affect the conformational change in the cytoplasmic domain of the band 3 of erythrocyte membrane protein by serving as the hinge for the pivoting of the two subdomains. This then suggest that such residue is significant in conformational changes be serving as sites for peripheral protein binding in some body cells (Low et al. 1984).
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Sounds like an interesting Peptide to follow! There are many out drugs out there that make the body utilize fat for energy, this is nothing new, however to have a drug that specifically targets belly / abdominal fat is pretty amazing!

AOD 9604

P.S. Now this is the type of Contribution to the community were looking for! So Thank You! and enough with the "5 ways to burn fat driving to work" Oxygen Mag Girly Shit lmao
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Good read! I have heard that this and peptides like Frag are timing reliant and you should be in a fasting state. Also depending on other peptides you may be taking if you take them all together they will not work synergistically and will in a sense MAX out.
Good read! I have heard that this and peptides like Frag are timing reliant and you should be in a fasting state. Also depending on other peptides you may be taking if you take them all together they will not work synergistically and will in a sense MAX out.

yep, and not only will they NOT work synergistically, but some will counteract others , so yeah timing is important, as is knowing interactions, though its tough knowing or finding interactions on these type of bodybuilding peptides, and a lot of it is through reading user experience combined with knowing mechanism of action for each peptide, steroid, sarm or research chamical you take and even some OTC over the counter supplements can interact , or cancel out other peptides etc, rendering them useless!

So great point JIMBO!
yep, and not only will they NOT work synergistically, but some will counteract others , so yeah timing is important, as is knowing interactions, though its tough knowing or finding interactions on these type of bodybuilding peptides, and a lot of it is through reading user experience combined with knowing mechanism of action for each peptide, steroid, sarm or research chamical you take and even some OTC over the counter supplements can interact , or cancel out other peptides etc, rendering them useless!

So great point JIMBO!
Saves you money too!

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