Aqua Burn


How long is this stuff good for i just found a bottle that i have had for a year and i am thinking bout taking it should it be ok or will it loose its effectiveness
i am gonna start with one drop a day but then how much and how often should i take it and what would you say is the most i should take a day about how many drops
truth is bro its all relative, another words tough to go by others, go by you and how ya feel
yeah its all about how you feel bud. Just work your way up 1 drop for 2 days 2 drops for two days just make sure the sides/shakes are not too harsh and youll be good to go :).
last time i took it it hurt to work out i felt muscle cramps instead of pumps in the gym i really do not want this to happen again it really was hurting my workouts
try getting some taurine just from health food store this will help witht he cramps. also up your water intake to at least 2 gallons a day if possible should be good after that.
Get_Swole said:
try getting some taurine just from health food store this will help witht he cramps. also up your water intake to at least 2 gallons a day if possible should be good after that.
taurine really makes a big difference and up your overall amino acid intake as well. low sodium and extra potassium will help
alright so i took my first drop at around 10 and feel afine i really am not shaking at all but i was getting really hot earlier ill see how i feel at the gym in a few hours. i do feel a little tired is it ok to have an energy drink or coffee before the workout
yes... but you need to watch the stimulants ofcourse. a cup of coffee should be just enough to get through your workout.
Clen will make you hot, that's how it helps you shed the weight and it can make you tired but for some it can be an uncomfortably tired in the middle of the day it could make you feel like it was night and you have insomnia and can't sleep. If you normally drink coffee during the day then you'll be OK but if you're sensitive to stims be careful. Tomorrow take a drop at the same time and then another 2 hours later and see how you feel.
Damn, I had that aqua burn shit once and I did not know how much to take. I took like 5 drops under the tounge; tasted like what I can imaging paint thinner to taste like. Anyway, the shit had me feeling like a woman with hot flashes; I was hot, then shaking like Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas all day; worse than Muhammed Ali.
that was a low blow to the champ lol. But all the sides your experiencing are pretty normal. I try to avoid any other stim's when im on clen personally. I think clen is plenty and i never get that tired from it. I usually cant stop jumping up and down lmao.
Yeah Aqua Burn is the shit. I got some crazy weird cramps with that stuff, but taurine and potassium really help. Spinach has a lot of potassium, waaay more than a banana.