Iron Game

Gold Member
We all know motivation can come and go. One day (week or month) you are feeling on top of the world and the next it’s hard to pull yourself out the door. Sometimes you notice that your motivation lacks after several months of hard training. While motivation isn’t going to be there day in and day out, there are times where motivation can lack for several reasons. Over time I’ve discovered that it usually comes down to a few possible reasons.


I’ve talked about it before, but burnout is a very real thing. There isn’t a single person who is unable to burnout at some time or another. The key is watching for signs and letting your body rest when it needs it. Your body NEEDS rest. Going hard every single day no matter what time of exercise you do is taxing on the body and even when you want to keep going your body can give out.

Routine is Lacking Variety

Your body gets used to doing the same things over and over again. Not only will you start to not see the same results, but you can begin to feel less and less excited about getting in your workouts. Many athletes go through different segments of training to help switch things up. Your body needs change so doing the same thing every day is a quick way to help you lose motivation. Keep it new and change things around – you will be surprised how much this can help!

Goal Change

Goals are great things. They help push us each and every day, but sometimes we get so stuck on one goal that we forget to mix things up. Don’t always focus on the same goal. Change your goals and challenge yourself in new ways as often as you. This is a great way to keep your motivation fresh and keep you focused and working towards something new.

Do What You Love

Are you forcing yourself to do something because a friend or someone on the internet loves it? Then you will always lack motivation. Unless you truly enjoy something you are going to have a hard time committing to it day in and day out. Don’t do something just because someone else enjoys it. Find what you love and it will be much easier to keep your motivation flowing.

Every day isn’t going to be full of motivation, but if you’ve noticed your motivation has been gone for quite a while, it may be the time to check the real reason behind it.
This would be me right now just had some serious medical issues diagnosed I'm 64 been in the gym for 20 yearz have done two local shows but now they tell me I have to stop maybe it's time

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This would be me right now just had some serious medical issues diagnosed I'm 64 been in the gym for 20 yearz have done two local shows but now they tell me I have to stop maybe it's time

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Thats terrible brutha! Sounds like motivation is the last thing you lack. Care to tell us what's up? Welcome to we are glad your here. Share some knowledge. Lota good guys and gals here.
I use to love going to the gym, it was my country club. The friendship, the laughs and guys just being guys. Now these young guns all walking around taking pictures and being little pussy bitches. Guess I am getting old, but I still go, put in my ear buds and do my thing. Just not much else there anymore.
I tend to take breaks away from the gym for no apparent reason other than I'm a lazy fuck, but once I get back in the gym I realize how much I've missed it and everything changes for about 6 months then I seem to burn out again. Need to find away to stay motivated and continue my progress in the gym year long because playing catchup every 9 months is getting old.
I use to love going to the gym, it was my country club. The friendship, the laughs and guys just being guys. Now these young guns all walking around taking pictures and being little pussy bitches. Guess I am getting old, but I still go, put in my ear buds and do my thing. Just not much else there anymore.
If yr like me you remember the good old days, guys pumping, shreiking in pain, squatting, deadlifting, chalk everywhere. If you forgot yr anavar, someone always had a few spare to front as I look over my gym, I see guys doing yoga on mats, elderly women doing arm circles in the weight room and 75% if not more, head right to the cardio machines. And yes the selfies, picture of them in front of dumbell rack, pics of them in front of power rack and yes pic of them doing 135 LB bench press, wow how impressive. I remember you used to hang yr head in shame if yr bench was less than 225, now these little bitches post them on FB like they hold some kind of world record

The gym world, once proud, now has been taken over by wanna be's, wusses and feminized men. How sad
Thats terrible brutha! Sounds like motivation is the last thing you lack. Care to tell us what's up? Welcome to we are glad your here. Share some knowledge. Lota good guys and gals here.
Been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease no more lifting more then 10bs no more high protien diet no more peds plus they found cysts in pancreas which they are gonna biopsy

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Been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease no more lifting more then 10bs no more high protien diet no more peds plus they found cysts in pancreas which they are gonna biopsy

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I'm so sorry to hear that Bro, I'm not much younger (57). Been on and off PED's since my early 20's. Will put you in my prayers, praying for a successful 100% recovery, a return to lifting at the gym and you live to be 100 (if thats what you want). Hang in there, better days are ahead!
Been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease no more lifting more then 10bs no more high protien diet no more peds plus they found cysts in pancreas which they are gonna biopsy

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Stay strong brother and will keep you in my prayers!!
Hellcat sorry to hear about your woes. Im sure its depressing not being able to train/diet like you used to but we all know that sooner or later we are all going to have to stop. But maybe its not such a bad thing if you do. But not just stop and do nothing , instead adapt to the situation.

Maybe for exercise dont even worry about the weights, instead do something else. Biking, swimming, yoga, hiking, even golf can be fun and something healthy to do. As far as diet there are plenty of studies showing high protein may not be as essential to bodybuilders/active people as we think it is.

I understand that your health is compromised right now and you may feel like crap but keep moving as much as you can, try to avoid laying around. If you find out that you cant do what you used to do then do whatever you can do. Start a new chapter in your life and try to stay positive.

You may all ready be doing all these things or planning to. Whatever the case, dont forget to keep us informed in how you handle it because this is of interest to us because when your younger and feel great we all feel like we are gonna do this forever but this is a sober reminder to be aware of for our futures as well.

Good luck!
Hi he'll cat here well 3rd day back at gym cardio only kept looking at weights but didn't touch them thanks for the support it means a lot my wife said she can tell it's bothering me that i can't lift she is right now remember kidney doctor said no more than 20lbs so maybe next week we start back with weights it's hard to grasp I'm gonna be 65 next month my body is definitely not the same

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hellcat1 inspirational to say the least. All my bitching and your going through that. Keep it up brutha