Iron Game

Gold Member

Lets find out..

Soo many people, in the history of my career, have come about thinking that gear was the quick, easy, and magical way out of all their problems..

So in response to this, iv made a little check list here.. if you fall under any of these catagories, put down the needle, vial, orals, or anything that pertains to gear and take a step back.. YOUR NOT READY!!

1. You have no idea what your doing with steroids or any compounds that relate to it. In other words, you dont know the dosage amount, possible side effects, and proper characteristics of each compound

2. You havn't reached your natty potential because simply put you havn't been training for a couple of years.. be warned, if you jump on gear and get big your tendons will not keep up with you and the chances of tearing them increase three fold, your connective tissue is not gonna grow like your muscles on cycle..

3. Your diet has sucked or currently sucks because you dont know how to eat to grow and you are lifting without the proper nutrition. If you dont know what macronutrients, BMR/TDEE, and the many macro splits that come with it are, your not ready(we have a wonderful diet section in this forum and recommend you get your diet checked to see where you stand)

4. Your under the age of 24-25 years old. A person of this age usually has alotta of natty test running through their system and is wasting that away by adding synthetic test. Take the time to reach your natural limit.. this is very very important

5. You have no idea of the essential that come with lifting because you weren't taught correctly or you just began

6. You dont understand what rest means because your in the gym 6 days a week pumping away.. this will burn out your CSN (central nervous system) and you will stun growth and raise the risk of injury

7. You dont know what a PCT is

I cant tell you guys how many 6'1 150lb guys (or those of the sort with unproportionate stats) have asked me for cycle advice when they should be asking me for proper diet & training advie... If your not disciplined to eat and workout correctly then your not discipled to do gear.------A FAVORITE OF MINE .

If you dont listen to the advice above, the consiquences could be dier.. gyno, bloat, permanent damage to your HPTA (which means low natty test for the rest of your life btw)
That was a perfect description of me except for the willingness to work, and I was the right age but had access to piles of gear with no knowledge at all. Amazing I didn't fuck myself up bad. Their were times I was taking a gram plus a week of the old brovel t 200 and wasn't growing at all. I might have been eating 2000 calories a day and to be honest half of that was mega mass 2000 remember that crap. At the time I don't think I even broke 185lbs and didn't look good at all just smooth bloated looking. My source moved away so I had to quit cold turkey had never even heard of pct. I really looked way better before I had ever touched any of it. But then I got a subscription to muscle media 2000, and my education began. Grew up on a dairy farm so was already familiar with the variety of cattle implants and they had the recipe right their in the magazine. My next experience way different went from around 170lbs to 216 in 12 weeks that was so awesome. At that time I couldn't imagine getting up in front of a 1000 or so people in a pair of posing trunks. I often wonder where I might have went if I could have had the mind set I have now then. It was 16 years until I did another cycle and I know for that one I did everything to the very best of my ability but could not get past 200lbs. That's when I learned their is no cycle like your first cycle, so make sure your ready you've done your homework and have all your tools in place before you start. It can be something amazing or a waste of your time.

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That was a perfect description of me except for the willingness to work, and I was the right age but had access to piles of gear with no knowledge at all. Amazing I didn't fuck myself up bad. Their were times I was taking a gram plus a week of the old brovel t 200 and wasn't growing at all. I might have been eating 2000 calories a day and to be honest half of that was mega mass 2000 remember that crap. At the time I don't think I even broke 185lbs and didn't look good at all just smooth bloated looking. My source moved away so I had to quit cold turkey had never even heard of pct. I really looked way better before I had ever touched any of it. But then I got a subscription to muscle media 2000, and my education began. Grew up on a dairy farm so was already familiar with the variety of cattle implants and they had the recipe right their in the magazine. My next experience way different went from around 170lbs to 216 in 12 weeks that was so awesome. At that time I couldn't imagine getting up in front of a 1000 or so people in a pair of posing trunks. I often wonder where I might have went if I could have had the mind set I have now then. It was 16 years until I did another cycle and I know for that one I did everything to the very best of my ability but could not get past 200lbs. That's when I learned their is no cycle like your first cycle, so make sure your ready you've done your homework and have all your tools in place before you start. It can be something amazing or a waste of your time.

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Great follow up to the article. Muscle Media 2000 was really a great resource. It sucked when Bill Philips sold ir.
damn 170lbs to 216 is 12 weeks, nice! My first cycle was testosterone enanthate either made by brovel or tornel, i cant rememebr which of the two mexican brands it was but i just did 1ml per week for 10 weeks, i think it was 200 or 250mg / ml i think 200mg an ml, anyways, i put on massive amount of size, im talking 60 pounds or somehting outlandish, and the whole world new i was on steroids as i got so big so fast and i started out skinny and muscular so i just looked jacked after first cycle, not bloated but straight up he is juicing lol,

anyhow, i also paid $300 for that one little bottle of 10cc mexican testosterone, and never stopped lmao, went into omnadren, then sustanon, then reforvit-b (liquid dianabol) injectable or oral, but it was so painful to inject we all drank it lol,

anyhow, yeah nothing like ur first go around, but i think guys should start out low and work up,

I kind of feel bad for the younger guys just starting out into bodybuilding, who dont know about the good old days where you could get anything from mexico and all kinds of solid vet grade gear, made well and potent, now guys only know underground labs made gear, and i think why a lot of first time cycle suggestions from people is to use at least 500mg a week on first cycle, or more and thats rubbish if you have legit testosterone dosed right! But UG gear isnt always up to par so i honestly think what guys today feel from 500mg is the same as what we felt on 200mg back in the day
I agree brother we were spoiled and didn't know it my first a50 was syntax Lmao we had it made.

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I agree brother we were spoiled and didn't know it my first a50 was syntax Lmao we had it made.

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you know the Arnold era guys probably said the same thing about us when we were younger and how they had it so much better with it being legal, and not frowned upon, easily accessible , human grade gear, real french parabolan amps 76.5mg ampules lol

So that era probably sat there saying these poor fools have to use all this Veterinarian grade gear from mexico, lmao and hide it and worry about this and that.

so truth is they probably had it the best!
agreed although, i think kids should start heavy steroid cycles around 16 years old, to really give them a leg up on the highschool sporting competition, lol, just kidding! lol

great article, and your too yound if your under 24 in my humble opinion
At least 24. My humble opinion says 27. And even at 27 I think a young man in good shape and health is a walking test factory

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At least 24. My humble opinion says 27. And even at 27 I think a young man in good shape and health is a walking test factory

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Oh and to add to that in no way am I saying I would have had the patients to have waited in the right situation.

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