
I see people at the gym social hour.
Me i have shit i gotta do.i move gyms time to time
when i start to no to meany people i move.
Keeps me motivated im only their 1hr so i smash it.
I see people 1yr in that look the results!
I put the head phones on and you should see the looks i get
and then they wanna talk and ask you how!!!
I have a gym at work and I usually work out during my lunch hr. So I basically have 45 minutes to get my workout in and 15 minutes to get my food. I go in , keep to myself and get what I need done. I'm not there to gossip, I usually ignore anyone who trys to talk.
I'm the same way guys. I am in and out inside of 45 min. Sometimes 35, but I kill it. 60 second rests and on to the next set by God. I catch shit from guys at work saying you cant get a good workout in 35 min. Then, I invite em for a session. Blah, Blah, Blah, excuses is all I hear. I know what works for me. I'm not there for Social Hour. Get the work done, Eat and grow fuckers
Leave it to the girl to be the only one who likes to talk at the gym, lol... I don't go overboard like some girls... and I think we all know the girls I'm talking about. I get my workout in! I'm no slacker BUT I do like to talk to my gym friends cause that's the only time I see them. I don't have many good friends and it's especially rare to find a girl who's as into this lifestyle as I am so it motivates me in a way :-)
I work out at the Y and it is always full of old people that don't know what they are doing.
Some of them jump around from one place to the other, and sometimes they will jump right in on you.
I don't say anything, but it drives me nuts!
My workout is usually 45min-1 hour, and I'm there to do work.

It's been really bad this week, but I have a free membership because I'm a Pastor, so I really can't complain.
It does feel good to get that out though...
Women !!
no need for conversation
when you can have eye to eye contact.

I'll save the eye to eye contact for others. I like to talk so I talk :-) At the same time I'm not one of those people you're referring to that look the same year after year. I get results... but I know the type you're talking about.
I go in with a purpose, but I'll chat for a minute with friends occasionally... now if a girl that looks like Silk wants to chat... well I can make a couple extra minutes for that :-)

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Wow beeflover! That's awesome! We're working on 4 yrs. Time flies when you're having fun! ...most of the time, lol -joking
Ya she took me hostage.
nice italian nice i like to eat.

Nice italian you like to eat, as in she is a great cook cause she's italian, or you just like to munch on italian pussy, I'm confused lol, i suppose both would suffice lol
Must be the cycle.
My soft side showing.
I try to tell I'm emotional.
Now your taking advantage of a cheep date.
Love people with a sence of humer