Are your high dollar sneakers costing you more than just money?


MuscleChemistry member
They could be hindering you leg workout as well. The human foot is designed to distrubute the bodys weight correctly and do the same with running as well. The shoes with today, with the higher heels, due to their design do not allow this. So next time you squat, deadlift, or leg press. Lose the sneakers and go barefoot or with thin flat bottom shoes.

To touch on the running thing. Have you ever seen what kind of shoes the track runners use today? They are hardly anything.

Another point is, look at the bodybuilders back in the day. They all had good calves. Could this be due to the fact that they train bare foot or with flat bottom shoes? mmm....I think so.
Does anyone know what's with those sock/glove like shoes that vie seen a few people wearing? Got a strange toe thing happenen in them.
Meant to be like training barefoot but not?
WOW !! I can't believe it.. and here I am thinking I am the only one training in flat shoes for legs.. (Converse Chuck T's, barefoot, [My Vibram's-- These are more so used when I am doing a sparring match *MMA* .. GREAT footing in a cage, but I do OCCASIONALLY use them to Squat..] 9times out of ten it's the CONVERSE Kicks for me...)
Does anyone know what's with those sock/glove like shoes that vie seen a few people wearing? Got a strange toe thing happenen in them.
Meant to be like training barefoot but not?

I've seen a few people wearing those, but they were far from bodybuilders. People can only speculate and learn from experience what works for them. Personally I've trained in Shox since they came out and when they start wearing out I start getting knee pain. I even put two rubber pads underneath my heals when I squat and I'm certainly not lacking in quad development.
I tend to train in Converse Chuck Taylors myself. I've tried cross trainers but nothing compares. There's a company that sells non slip shoes for the food service industry (SFC, Shoes for Crews) and they've got a Chuck Taylor knock off that works well and they're super cheap. I'll kill a pair in 4 to 6 months but they're well worth the money IMO.:thumbsup:
lol yeah why aint u barefoot

LOL!! yeah I see. You and big are busting my balls. lol

It wasnt leg day. And yes on leg day I take off my shoes now. Have done this the last couple of workouts and I like the way it feels. Especially with deadlifts.
I think these are what your talking about boomer...

I havent tried them, but they are supposed to better then conventional sneakers for lifting and running because they mimic being barefoot.

Yes theyr the one... Seriously if they gave anyone a competitive edge I still wouldn't wear them cos they are damn ugly!

I will be trying legs next session barefoot though.