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[h=1]Athlete Profile On Bikini Competitor Melissa Olson[/h][h=2]2016 BCABBA Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic Overall Winner[/h]

The 3rd Annual Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic was held on Mar. 18, 2017. While smaller in size than previous years, one thing you can bank on at almost every BCABBA (British Columbia Amateur Bodybuilding Association) show is that someone will emerge who is destined for the next level and beyond! This time it was Overall Bikini Winner Melissa Olson. A mixed bag in her first year of competition (2015), a progress photo below.
Melissa Olson - March 2015, May 2015 and March 2017.

Analyzing Melissa's 2017 performance, her Bikini Class 'E' was undoubtably the strongest Top 3 at this show. Both 2nd Placer Michelle Fairney and 3rd Placer Britney Wasylesky were experienced competitors with something to prove and they showed it. Posing and conditioning on point for all three, expect fireworks at 2017 Provincials!
Bikini 'E' Class: Melissa Olson - 1st, Michelle Fairney - 2nd and Britney Wasylesky - 3rd.

Having always been an active person, Melissa grew up riding horses and taking dancing lessons every Saturday. She started going to the gym in about 2010 but did not take it seriously and was doing mostly cardio. A couple of years later she started educating herself a bit more and began lifting and loved the results. She was strongly encouraged by people in the gym to get involved in bikini competitions which she did in March of 2015. Despite going to Cabo three weeks out, still placed third and moved on to BCs which she should not have done, as she felt she was nowhere near ready. After much misguidance and improper training by her previous coach and being pushed into competing in BCs, she placed 7th and was discouraged from doing anymore competitions thinking she was not what the judges wanted to see. That all changed when Melissa found Cody Heinrichs on Instagram (@codyheinrichs) at the end of 2016 who properly trained and guided her through her prep for LBMC in 2017, where she took overall. Gym photos below were taken a week following the competition. Thanks to WKX Gym for the use of their facilities.




"I love fitness and even when I’m not prepping for a show, I’m at the gym 4-5 times a week since I love lifting. It takes my mind off things and gives me energy and motivation to face each day’s challenges."


Melissa Olson with emcee Kim "Kong" Farrison.
The BCABBA and other CBBF affiliated organizations continue to produce great athletes to represent at the IFBB level