Attention FB.COM members!

I already feel like I know everyone here :) Nice to see a lot of the bro's from fb here. I think it's great we already have our own sticky! lol :D
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captaindianabol4kids said:

Ill stop bullshiting when presser puts sum weight on!!!!
LOL, yea i know Captain the guy is like 150 lbs soaking wet, he should really start lifting weights, if you want Presser i can hook you up with a source, BWAHAHAHAHAHA..... :D ;) :D
I think that the FB is still a good place, but I can't deal with the drama.... this looks like a great place to be....
thanks for the welcome chem. I have been visiting here for a couple of weeks, but it sucks not having any posts and everyone thinking "NEWBIE".
Im getting tired of all the bullshit at FB, theirs like 1000 newbies it seems, and they dont know what they are talking about. Until the old members come back Im going to keep visiting this place.
MrEconomist said:
thanks for the welcome chem. I have been visiting here for a couple of weeks, but it sucks not having any posts and everyone thinking "NEWBIE".

exactly, thats why I dont want to leave fitnessboard because I had close to 1300 posts. Im a loser here, but at least Ive been a member sinse March.
who the hell cares about post counts?As long as you know your shit and we know who you are,dont worry about it...sheeeshhh LOL :D
well i like what i see here so far , still liked "F.B" but damn too many problems with dumb sh@t and whiners! I hope it gets back to normal ! but anyway i like this board too!
It's nice to see the same bros here. All the good things I heard about MC look to be true. Plus, FB is down again. :eek: Big surprise. Things have definitely changed there for the worse.