Iron Game

Gold Member
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline
Substance: Dutasteride

Avodart (dutasteride) is for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate. It improves symptoms, reduces the risk of acute urinary retention (AUR), and reduces the risk of the need for BPH-related surgery. BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland which is located at the lower portion of the urinary bladder surrounding the urethra (urine carrying tube).

Prostate growth is caused by a hormone in the blood called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Leading to shrinkage of the enlarged prostate in most men, this medicine lowers DHT production in the body. For treating symptoms of an enlarged prostate, Avodart can be taken in combination with another type of medicine called an alpha blocker.

Women should not take or touch Avodart due to risk of a specific birth defect. Before taking Avodart, tell your doctor if you have ever had an allergic reaction to dutasteride, or to a similar medicine called finasteride (Propecia, Proscar). While some men have fewer problems and symptoms after 3 months of treatment with Avodart, a treatment period of at least 6 months is usually necessary to see if Avodart will work for you.

It should be taken as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. The usual dose in men is one capsule daily. You can take it with or without food. Each capsule must be swallowed whole and not chewed or opened.

The common side effects are ; decrease in libido (sex drive), difficulty with ejaculation, impotence (inability to achieve or maintain an erection), breast swelling or tenderness, dizziness when taken with an alpha blocker.
The other side effects are ; wheezing, swelling of the lips/mouth, difficulty in breathing, hayfever, lumpy rash (hives) or fainting.
I have used Avodart for BPH. I found it to be much more effective than Proscar(finasteride). I just took it for around 4 months and then went off and my prostate didn't swell up again until I started using 350 mg. of test-e a week. My problem started when I used that stupid pro-hormone andro. I think all it did was convert to DHT instead of testosterone. And it is what causes your prostate to swell up.
I have used Avodart for BPH. I found it to be much more effective than Proscar(finasteride). I just took it for around 4 months and then went off and my prostate didn't swell up again until I started using 350 mg. of test-e a week. My problem started when I used that stupid pro-hormone andro. I think all it did was convert to DHT instead of testosterone. And it is what causes your prostate to swell up.

that sucks! i rememebr you posting about this in more detail before as well! fucking pro-hormones man lmao