B-12 question


New member
i just ordered sum b-12 and it finally came in, i want to stay with the least amount of injections as i can, and im using b-12 to bulk up, how much b-12 should i take in and for how long,and how do i measure it when i draw it into the syringe, thanks for the help.
Are you shooting it IM? What size pins do you have? Is it 1000iu per ml? Why do you want to stay with the least amount of injects?
im shootin it in my butt, needle bout inch and a half, and ive got to check the bottle bout the other, my friend has it and i go pick it up from him tom.
Yep, hit the thread back when you find out. Most B12 I have seen is 1000iu per ml. I've heard many different opinions when it comes to B12 injects. 1000iu ed is good, or even 1500iu ed. Not sure what the difference would be if you ineject more less often. I've used from 1000iu per week to 1000ed, the 1000iu per week didn't do jack, but the 1000iu ed was worth it.
I think the ideal b-12 shot is 1000mcgs, which is 1cc or 1ml, if you are over 230lbs then you could shot 1500mcg split up into two shots in a weeks time..
like modizzle said, most injectable b-12 is 1000mcgs/ml and can be inj sub-q or IM , using a 1.5 in your ass is overkill IMO. I just shoot in my shoulder or quad w/ a 5/8,30g, no pain at all. I followed a schedule I found for b12 definciency. 1ml ED for a week, EOD for a week then every 3rd day....
i use 27 gauge for delts and that's the only place i shot now, easy and no need to aspirate since it's water solube...I have heard that sub-q leaves nasty lumps on the injected site...i haven't try, but will stick with the IM alot fast and easy...
Uhhh, Modizzle, you should _always_ aspirate, even with water soluble products.

My b12 is from Synthetek and has 2000 mcg (their recommended dosage every 3-4 days). Works great for me, and it is human grade. I use a slin pin and inject just at the top of the glutes close to the hip (hard to explain the exact area)--it's where a doctor would inject you if they did it. My wife had to do it before for fatigue when she was in college so she showed me where to do it.
well i got my b-12 with me and its in a 250 ml bottle, so if i want to take 1000mcg's eod, is 1000mcg's equal to 1cc? and if i want to shoot it in my butt, what size needle should i use, thanks
Yes 1000mcg is equal to 1cc, you can try using a 25 gauge bout 1inch, unless you a big gross butt like ronnie then you can trh 5 inches,,,,lol but honestly you can use 1.5 inches in the glutes..i prefer 1' but i shot in the delts...
A slin pin is usually exactly 1 cc no matter how the tick marks go. The needle on those is a 1/2" 29 gauge pin, and IMO is easier to use and less painful--hell, you don't even really feel it going in. And yes, 1000 mcg is normally 1 cc (if that is how your bottle's dosage is marked) for b12.
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k well i will prob. start taking this tom. so i need to make sure i know it all first. ive got a 1 inch needle i will use, i dont weighmuch, so should i do 800 900 1000 eod or what, and how long should i do it for? and if i have a bottle of 250ml how long yall think that wil last, i preciate yall helping me out with this to. :)
bigworm6 said:
k well i will prob. start taking this tom. so i need to make sure i know it all first. ive got a 1 inch needle i will use, i dont weighmuch, so should i do 800 900 1000 eod or what, and how long should i do it for? and if i have a bottle of 250ml how long yall think that wil last, i preciate yall helping me out with this to. :)
technically with just b-12 you can take as much as you want and what your body doesnt use you will literally piss away...
tonykemp said:
Uhhh, Modizzle, you should _always_ aspirate, even with water soluble products.

My b12 is from Synthetek and has 2000 mcg (their recommended dosage every 3-4 days). Works great for me, and it is human grade. I use a slin pin and inject just at the top of the glutes close to the hip (hard to explain the exact area)--it's where a doctor would inject you if they did it. My wife had to do it before for fatigue when she was in college so she showed me where to do it.

Hey TKemp, how can you aspirate with b-12? the color is red and so is blood, i understand the necessity of aspiration, but how can i do that with b-12 since the solution is of course water soluble but it's red?
do you think i could take more and have less shots, like take 2ml 2 days a week or so? and will it hurt if i put more in it like test hurts when u put more in it?
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you can try a weekly shot of test with the b-12, that only if the test is long esters, that is what am planning on doing here in acouple of days, if not then i will bump you for the more experience players to have a touch on this..As far as i know most people have combined their gear with b-12,
i wasnt planning on combining the 2 bro, i was just comparing the to, the question was,"if i add 2ml of b-12 instead of 1 and just take 2 shots of that a week, would it hurt as bad as just taking 1ml of it?
i was just going to take 2ml of b-12 instead of 1ml of it. thats it, not test or anything.. i was wanting to take 2ml 2times a week rather than taking 1 ml 4 times a week and i was asking if it would hurt more if i shot up 2ml instead of 1....