Bac hurts like a mofo


New member
Ok guys started D-bol 30mg a day and test enth 500 mg wk.My back has been hurting or cramping like hell on the left side.The last time i took dbol my back wld get tight as hell on leg day but thats it.Any help guys those who have gone through this
My bet is the d-bol.... but your not really taking that much. What kind of tabs? is it the 15s? I had a hard time with the 15s too... Same problem- back pain. I dont do d-bol anymore.
I get a good back pump off of about 60mg ed it was horrible not to mention the other side effects.

Drink more water, and eat some potassium. It should help alleviate some of the problems.
wow, only 30mgs and such sides?

I had bad pump at 50mg/day and halfed it and was fine. Maybe you have overdosed tabs/liquid.
yeah dude i went throught the same shit
i was only takin25 mg a day
it happens to me every time i take them
it feels like you just deadlifted for like 2 hours
just take them for a short time then get off