back from the rigs and ready to juice: need advice!


New member
Hi all who remember me!

I am back from working on the oil rigs and now want to shoot a bunch of oil into my glutes.

Here's my cycle:

750 sustanon a week 8 weeks

propbably finish it off with a little deca/winnie--scraps odds & sods. Clomid therapy of course.

I also have a bottle of ldex from researchkits---what is the dosage I should take---this is my question---thanks!!!

Ziggy B
current stats 175 (skinny) from rig work, stress, diet. 5'10. Every year I cycle up, go work on the rigs in the cold for 3-6 months, then lose it all--sigh--

First test only cycle. Got my stuff from researchkits.

not sure about the dosage though--I think .25 ed is good, but how many drops is that? How many drops is .50?


It depends on what strength your ldex is. Is it the 4mg/ml or 1mg/ml? Most of research kits is 1mg/ml. Just use a syringe and measure out .25 of a ml if it is. That way you can be sure on the dose.
This is what I would do:

Sust @ 750mg EW 1-8 Split it up into 3 shots per week. It should keep the levels more consistant in your blood stream. BTW If you have enough test I would run it for at least 10 weeks.
Winny @ 50mg ED 4-8

If you decide to extend the cycle to 10 weeks run the Winny weeks 6-10 or if you have enough Weeks 5-10.

That should be a nice simple cycle that will add on some good weight.

Like LA said don't run the deca. You'll just be wasting it. Save it for another time when you have enough to run it the full length of the cycle. (it takes 3-4 weeks just to "kick in")

Good luck bro!