Back Pain

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Harvey Balboner

My back is killing me, I went to play hoops this afternoon, and my lower back started just throbbing. Right now I'm on fina, winny, test, eq. I've heard a lot of guys get painful pumps in legs/back with fina, but it has never bothered me before.

I have to play in a basketball game on March 21, is there anything I can do to help stop the pain, or keep it from hurting?
I've never gotten this before, and have ran tren alot.

Any ideas on what to do before that game, so I don't get a lot of pain? I really don't want to have to go off the tren for a few days just for that game.
the drol is giving me unbearable back pumps at times, sucks for me since deads are my favorite exercise
I just had a run in with a back problem. I woke up about a month ago in the worst pain ever. Went to the DOC the next day, slipped disk. Funny thing though, I didn't do anything that I thought hurt me. I did get some Flexerville and Percocet. After 3 days I got used to the side effects, i.e. drowsiness. Then you can do anything...Hell I'm hitting the gym pretty hard right now. Even though I'm on light duty at work.
Yeah, we'll see how tough you talk when I'm folding you up like a jackknife with some heavy ass
take no chances with your back-get to the doc and even get an MRI if he'll refer you for 1 and your insurance will cover it
If you get the pumps while working out then after like an hour or 2 they go away it's just water. I get it all the time when I start holding to much water. I look like an old man after squarts,lol. Just keep moving, if you stop it will get worse.