Back Workout


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Mike O’Hearn’s Power Bodybuilding: Back Workout

Want to get big, strong and cut? Part bodybuilding, part powerlifting, Mike O’Hearn’s “power bodybuilding” concept builds muscle and strength at the same time. <!-- In part 2 of this 2 part series you will learn about which foods you can eat to lose fat and gain muscle! Read more! -->
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<DIV class=article-padding-content><!-- --><!-- end article-description -->by Mike O'Hearn Nov 15, 2011
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STEP 1: Back | Legs | Chest
STEP 2: Nutrition | Supplementation | Motivation
Looking for more? Start the 12 Week Program

This back workout is centered on some crazy-ass, heavier-than-hell deadlifts and only two secondary lifts: one-arm rows and pulldowns. After you finish these deadlifts, that's all you're going to have left in the tank. Trust me.
- 07:28
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This is one example of a Power Bodybuilding workout. Your weights and reps will change depending on where you are in the 12-week program.
Follow that program to the letter, and you too will end up with a big S stamped across your chest.
The deadlift is the best lift in weightlifting. It hits EVERYTHING. It's the superhero lift, the beast lift, the man lift. You can cheat a squat by not going deep, but with the deadlift, there's no cheating. You just grab hold of that bar and rip it from the ground like a freakin' caveman.
Take your time. Warm up slowly. Conserve energy. Don't rush through this. Save your energy for the heavy weights. Wait till you hit the working sets before you really work it.
I don't use straps. You can't use 'em in competition, why use 'em here? I switch grip every set. I don't listen to music. I don't need that to get psyched. I like the noise of the weight. I like feeling the heavy weight tear down my fibers. Go heavy enough, and the next day, you'll feel everything hurting - but in a good way.
It's not a slow pull for me. I rip it up. People ask, "Aren't you going to hurt your back?" but I don't know why people think that way. I don't get hurt. I don't worry. I just destroy the weight. It's not the other way around.
When I deadlift, I'm already putting density and thickness in the mid-back. The one-arm rows hit the lower and outer lat. Beautiful exercise to give you nice wingspan.
Take a wide-screen grip for pull-downs. You know how to do pull-downs, don't you? If you don't, I'm going to come through that screen and slap you silly. Do pull-downs to the chest instead of behind the neck. You get a longer pull down to the chest, more of a squeeze.
Ready? Go out and be great.

Part 1: Back


  • Barbell Deadlift

    1-3 sets, low weight
Working Sets:

  • Barbell Deadlift

    7 sets, 2 reps, heavy weight
  • One-Arm Dumbbell Row

    5 sets, 10 reps, heavy weight
  • Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

    3 sets, 8 reps, heavy weight
That's basically my workout for back, but I'll throw in 2 more exercises, one for width and one for thickness
I do a ton of stuff back day, I like individual pulleys for lat pulldowns tho, it squeezes the bottom of the lats better
Yea, I haven't done those, I wish we had a pull down machine with the ability to have each side independent. I've seen those in other gyms, but not mine
Yea, I haven't done those, I wish we had a pull down machine with the ability to have each side independent. I've seen those in other gyms, but not mine

you dont have a big cable machine? thats what I use, just instead of sitting u get on your knees (no jokes) and lean back a little bit and pull the cables down so you are in a W shape

Doing those are sweet. I like doing them at the end of my back day with some high rep sets.

I usually do them as the 2nd thing, but love em
Wild grip pull ups... im lucky to get 5 reps.. It must because I'm overweight.. lol
Thanks for sharing back workout exercises, but I need to know about What are the good exercises for Chest and biceps.
Yea, we have a pulldown machine, but what I was referring to is the pulldown machines with it has a handle on the right and one of the left and allows you to do the pulldown with either hand at a time. Basically, it has 2 sets of cables so you can only do the one side or alternate each rep