Bad knees - How do you hit Quads super hard?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Obviously a lot of us have terrible knee joints for one reason or another. Mine are really arthritic, and not much cartilage left from catching for 14+ years in my baseball career.

Lately I have been having trouble really targeting my quads which used to be a very strong body part of mine. I have tried to implement light front squats back into my routine as these used to really build up my quads nicely, but upon coming down even with very light weight I get some really bad stinging from cartilage issues and it's uncomfortable enough I can't push through. Leg presses are ok as long as I stay smart on the weight, even leg extensions depending on the distance I sit the chair back can cause some pain, but I push through these. I know a few of you are in the same boat, have you been able to find some for the most part non painful ways/tricks to really target quads, without doing squats?
Best way to reduce knee pain is to always keep your knees behind your toes when u do leg movements. There isn't much that you can do about pain and bad joints. You can use more machines if that helps. You can load those machines up and get a good workout.
Horrible knees here. Horrible! I always say I have knees of a 90 yr old woman. Baseball football and the Core did that to me. I use only machine weights when training legs. Couldn't tell you the last time I squatted. Also relatively light weight. I don't have chicken legs thank goodness
Have you ever wrapped your knees when you lift?

Yeah I have some pretty solid wraps, sometimes it helps sometimes it does not, depends on where the pain is that day. Seated leg presses have been ok lately, I just often feel like the bulk of the work is coming from my hamstrings and not targeting my quads, I still do extensions like I said just hoping I can get some more size on them this year. They have lost a lot of size the past 3 years from not being able to work them hard.

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have you guys ever used horse joint tinture realy helps with my knees..also heavy knee wraps help me.front squats and lunges dont kill my knees like squats do....

but this stuff before and after and use after a hot shower is amazing..i dont use this one but one like it...defo worth a buy...

I have not used that, looks good though bro, ill check it out. The reviews look super promising too.
Stay away from leg extensions. They put your knees in a very bad shearing position.
Stay away from leg extensions. They put your knees in a very bad shearing position.

do you have any other exercises, feet positions that help target without causing so much grinding on the knees?
my knees are God awful, and i haven't squatted for this reason in many years, i only try to maintain my legs now which are still muscular and fairly big still but not like they use to be for sure!

The key for me is to pre-exhaust! If you pre exhaust your less likely to stress your knees and more likely to really hit the quads nicely! I like to pre-exhaust with leg extensions, nice and light with super good form and tons of reps per set will really help build your quads while sparing you the knee pain
my knees are God awful, and i haven't squatted for this reason in many years, i only try to maintain my legs now which are still muscular and fairly big still but not like they use to be for sure!

The key for me is to pre-exhaust! If you pre exhaust your less likely to stress your knees and more likely to really hit the quads nicely! I like to pre-exhaust with leg extensions, nice and light with super good form and tons of reps per set will really help build your quads while sparing you the knee pain
Thanks brotha, yeah I knew you were in bad shape knee wise as well so was looking for you to comment.

That is what I have been doing, extensions if I keep them light are not bad for me, I have been doing a ton of reps super strict form with a pause at the top supersetted with seated leg presses.
Thanks brotha, yeah I knew you were in bad shape knee wise as well so was looking for you to comment.

That is what I have been doing, extensions if I keep them light are not bad for me, I have been doing a ton of reps super strict form with a pause at the top supersetted with seated leg presses.

yep you remembered correctly lol, my knees are shit . Its hard to find the right leg extension angle, some of those fucking things are way too slanted back for my knees, i like the seated leg extension to be almost level when i sit in it, otherwise its too much on my knees
yep you remembered correctly lol, my knees are shit . Its hard to find the right leg extension angle, some of those fucking things are way too slanted back for my knees, i like the seated leg extension to be almost level when i sit in it, otherwise its too much on my knees

I found this out this week too, we have 2 of them at my gym and one like you mentioned is leaned way the fuck back and just puts so much tension on my knees, I switched to the other one, which still hurt a little but was much smoother, way less pooping and clicking.
I found this out this week too, we have 2 of them at my gym and one like you mentioned is leaned way the fuck back and just puts so much tension on my knees, I switched to the other one, which still hurt a little but was much smoother, way less pooping and clicking.

they might have a padded wedge floating around your gym that you can put in the back of the seat which will straighten you out even better,

i seen a kid doing calf raises on it once and i was like wtf! lol, its a nice padded seat wedge and he thinks its for calf raises
they might have a padded wedge floating around your gym that you can put in the back of the seat which will straighten you out even better,

i seen a kid doing calf raises on it once and i was like wtf! lol, its a nice padded seat wedge and he thinks its for calf raises
Yeah I know what your talking about, I might try it on the straight one, I think the other machine is a lost cause for me its too much at an angle I decided this weekend after hitting it again im boycotting it.
Yeah I know what your talking about, I might try it on the straight one, I think the other machine is a lost cause for me its too much at an angle I decided this weekend after hitting it again im boycotting it.

I'm with ya there brutha, those angled ones feel like they're tearing my fucking knees apart , hate em
do you have any other exercises, feet positions that help target without causing so much grinding on the knees?

I stick to exercises that keep my body weight centered over my feet, thus keeping my knees in line with my body motion.
Stay away from leg extensions. They put your knees in a very bad shearing position.
This is exactly the opposite of what a chiropractor told me. He told me leg extensions are very low stress on the knees and recommended them to build quad strength specifically for support for the knees. This guy is very fit and trains himself and has not steered me wrong, so I'm inclined to believe him.
yeah leg extensions aren't so bad so long as you find one that fits you well like me and get swole were talking about, its the squats and shit like that which will and have destroyed my knees