bad review on


New member
hate to be THAT guy but I will need to on this instance to save others The Misfortune of using Lawless labs.
Used both their peptides and their sarms and the results were very bad on both cycles.
First off I didn’t see any sort of results in fact I would say I had worse results on their products I gained fat and I lost muscle believe it or not even though I was working out and eating on point.
Specifically their lgd4033 that I used. How do you actually lose strength using it for 12 weeks? I think that they put chemicals in their products which actually make your body sicker
hate to be THAT guy but I will need to on this instance to save others The Misfortune of using Lawless labs.
Used both their peptides and their sarms and the results were very bad on both cycles.
First off I didn’t see any sort of results in fact I would say I had worse results on their products I gained fat and I lost muscle believe it or not even though I was working out and eating on point.
Specifically their lgd4033 that I used. How do you actually lose strength using it for 12 weeks? I think that they put chemicals in their products which actually make your body sicker is all fakes 100% dont buy