Barbell or EZ bar curls.

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In your opinion , with a routine that does Barbell curls , DB curls , then forearm work.

Would you use straight barbell like you bench with , or a curl bar with the bends?
i mix it up, but ez bars are preaty forgiveing on my forarms so if you are going into forarms after bis then i would go ahead and use a straight bar. kinda a pre exhaust for me anyway.
a straight bar, because your thumbs are facing out more, than on an easy curl, so your getting more of a supinating squeeze at the top of the rep, which helps out with peaking your bi's
you've gotta mix it up, it hits the biceps differently and you want to keep things even.... don't overkill on one or the other, but like someone said, if you want to destroy your forearms, all you gotta do is some 21's with a straight bar.. .lol
you've gotta mix it up, it hits the biceps differently and you want to keep things even.... don't overkill on one or the other, but like someone said, if you want to destroy your forearms, all you gotta do is some 21's with a straight bar.. .lol

Your right 21's haha.
If my wrist wasn't so messed up, I would've done some straight bar curls today. For me, they work my bi's the best. I feel like I'm settling when I use the EZ curl bar.
Ive tried doing curls before with straight bar , I never really worked out with it just tested them.

I didnt pay attention too much to grip , so my wrists always felt kind of uncomfortable , thats why I've always done EZ curl bar.

But I think I can get around the wrist issue , im hoping its just small changes in grip that will do away with this , and not a structural kind of problem in my wrist.

On the days that I train my biceps I go from barbell curls to DB curls to forearm curls. So im from what im thinking the forearm tiring wont be too much of a problem unless it throws off my forearm numbers for my log book for example increase on curl weight and forearm weight on the same week making a huge drop in performance for forearms to where my log book points that I need to drop down in weight for forearms even though my last week says to increase.

But I will do barbell one week and EZ curl the next week. Since im starting back working out from a huge break going to start light and gradually workup on the assistant exercises the main exercises I have maxes made so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for all the input I will post up stats , routine as they come. Ive had alot of dedication and personal halts lately , new found dedication and mom is not in hospital anymore so things should ease up.
I will say just be careful doing preacher curls with either especially on gear. I got a stress fracture in my forearm from them.

I just did arms, did the straight bar... got a bicep pump I never had before, and they ache more than usual.

Thanks! (and ouch)
first post so be gentle...

i always do e/z curls cuz it kills my wrists even if i wrap them up tight,then finnish with 21s to mash my forarms works well for me.
try barbell preacher curlz ouch ya mother f=@ker as the finnisher
Most of the pros swear by standing, straight barbell curls as the best mass builder for biceps. Standing, and it is encouraged to cheat the last few reps by swinging a little, that way you are able to force more work whereas on a preacher bar you are limited on cheating. Preachers are more geared towards creating definition, not mass.