Barry Bonds Hot Ex girl

sounds like she read Consenco's bimbo's book for info. Got her 15 min of fame and
some $$$$.
ur all blind, she looks old and ugly, kinda has that ugly marya carry look, wich i think she is butt ugly to so maybe its me
well I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers but maybe eating my abombs...hey wasn't she on Max Hardcore "The Max Factor 9" know the girl with the spectulum and hose stuck in her ass? "That's a good little cock holster." :wave:
irishpride said:
id hit it, but i have low standards and a drinking problem LOL
Hey, on the bright side, if you set your standards low your never dissapointed!
dorian123 said:
well I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers but maybe eating my abombs...hey wasn't she on Max Hardcore "The Max Factor 9" know the girl with the spectulum and hose stuck in her ass? "That's a good little cock holster." :wave:
Max hardcore is my fuckin idol! Cant wait til the day i make a bitch throw up on my junk! Might be a while, due to my incredibly small penis! lol