BB/BA shelf life


New member
I have BA BB. In plastic bottles. What is the shelf life if any.
Ive had it for 2 years in a cold dark cupboard.
I'm sure it good right. Any how just wanted to ask.
i know they sell it in big plastic bottles, but i also know it could eat away at plastic over time, so i honestly have no idea
2 years is nothing, I would use them.
Have had BA and BB that was up to 5 years old.
Thanks that is what I thought. My only concern was the plastic bottle leaking some nasty chems in there. But maybe I'm being paranoid
Chemist comments here :)

It depends *what* plastic bottles they are in. Pure polypropylene or high-density polyethylene are both plasticiser-free and compatible with BA and BB. Both BA and BB are very stable chemicals in their own right - "going bad" isn't something I would expect to have happen in your *lifetime*

Also, if the supplier was really good, *fluorinated* PP or HDPE is even more inert and even prevents evaporation *through* the plastic, which can happen a bit with some organics - but it's not really necessary for these two.

The plasticbottle would get deformed and the ba and bb would get a different color if the bottle was bad.
You would notice if something was wrong with it.
THX: the bottle can also deform (without damaging the product) if it allows material to evaporate through. essentially, it creates a vaccuum as the material leaves but isn't replaced by air :P I've seen that happen many times with various chemicals in thinner HDPE (not designed for long term storage)
