Beef Jerky


New member
Slice top round steaks across the grain about 1/4 inch thick. Marinate ovenight in liquid smoke add some salt & pepper. Worchester works well too.

Poke toothpicks thru one end of each strip and hang them in your oven so they dangle down. (be sure to put a pan underneath to catch the drippings)

Put the oven on about 150 degrees and in a couple of hours you have jerky.
oh I gotta try this...beef jerky is the best thing to throw in your back pack for a tasty protein source while you are in school all day...THANX
Damn I never noticed this before sounds great, especially as expensive as beef jerky is.
please someone get me some deer meat
i haven't had any for over 2 years!
it's my favorite.
no one here hunts. i don't get it.
and they won't send it from home. no love for the Claire
this was very simple to make. I used low carb bbq sauce and reduced sodium soy sauce as the marinade though, came out delicious. not nearly as messy as using a food dehydrator.