Iron Game

Gold Member
Bodybuilding can be so exciting and rewarding. It is absolutely enthralling to look in the mirror and see results for all of your hard work. Sometimes however, the work you are doing is just not yielding results fast enough. Sometimes a little help is needed. If you want to build up and increase your strength, then why not consider a powerlifter cycle?Wherever do you start? And how do you end it all? It can be very involved and confusing, so rather get it right first time round. There are so many questions from which supplements to use, how long to do your cycle for and how to stack supplements along the way.The FactsDespite the common argument of Testosterone Enanthate needing to be used for up to 12 weeks to gain effective results, there is actually no truth to that myth. It can in fact be used in an 8 week cycle to be effective.If you feel that after 6 weeks you are not seeing the results that you were hoping for, then it can in fact be attributed to incorrect dosage and admission as well as errors in training and nutrition. There are a myriad of steps that need to be followed, and although there is room for flexibility, one does need to follow certain guidelines and criteria to achieve the best results in the 8 week stack.Frontloading Testosterone EnanthateIf you are planning to have a usage level of 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate a week, then frontload by injecting 600mg’s on the first day to bring you up to the levels you want to sustain during the 8 week cycle.Some start slow, with an injection rate of 250mg at the start, which does not boost you to the place that you want to be in. This is especially true if you are following this up with a 200mg a week dosage. You will not see much of a result.How to startOn the first day it is recommended that you take your daily dose, as well as an extra 70% of your dose from the week. This will be your frontload.For the last 6 weeks on should do the Dianabol. In the time building up to the usage of Dianabol, increase your testosterone dosage to up to 750mg a week. After that, continue to inject yourself about three times a week.When beginning the Dianabol, lower the testosterone dosages to two times a week or just simply to single 750mg shots per week.Click the image below to read more about stacking Danabol with injectable steroids.
In the second to last week, stop taking Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). In the last week, only do an injection of testosterone as the actions you have performed in the previous weeks will certainly carry you through.One may struggle with estrogens levels during the cycle, and can compensate by using Aromasin. Dosage is preference oriented. Otherwise use Nolvadex or Clomid.Best frame time to cycle It is best to do this cycle over 8 weeks, as with correct dosing it is not only effective, but allows for an adequate and easy recovery times.Keep in mind, that if by week six you really are not seeing the results that you would like then you may in fact be doing things incorrectly.Bottom lineThe 8 week cycle could not be easier if one follows the steps provided, and doses accordingly.Remember that if you at any point do not feel great, then you may need to consider what you are putting your body through.Do what feels right for you, and never exceed dosages for quick results!