Besides overeating what causes excess belly fat?


New member
I was just wondering if anybody had any opinions on this subject. I am extremely frustrated with my inability to lose midsection fat. I eat clean with the exception of one cheat day per week. My diet consists of about 300grams of protein, and about 100gms of carbs per day, 2300-2500 calories per day. I work out 3 days a week. I do cardio 30-40 mins 3 times a week. Id cut calories but I have been told that is not the way to go.

Is it genetics? My father and brother are both fairly lean except around the midsection. All three of us are around 5' 9" - 5' 10" 190-215lbs range.

Is it my occupation? I work in a lab everyday making hormone creams and injectables for patients that need HRT replacement. I heard that its possible that jacked up hormone levels can cause excess fat around the midsection.

would ephedra help? More cardio, less calories? Right now I am about 210lbs, Im not sure what my BF is, maybe 12-13%. Thanks alot guys
its genetic bro. And most guys have the same problem. I hold most of my weight in the love handles and they dont go away until I diet WAYYYY down.... like 8% bf or less.

to get there, I have to usually do a good 10-12 week full out "bodybuilders" dieting progrm. I slowly reduce calories and increase cardio each week. and when the dieting gets REALLY hard about half way through - well thats when you finally start getting the results you want.
Good point Dreww, and definitely genetics plays a huge role it,..but that doesn't mean you can make a difference in your body composition, just gotta put some work into it..that's all, but step by step and you will be there...
skiergod said:
I was just wondering if anybody had any opinions on this subject. I am extremely frustrated with my inability to lose midsection fat. I eat clean with the exception of one cheat day per week. My diet consists of about 300grams of protein, and about 100gms of carbs per day, 2300-2500 calories per day. I work out 3 days a week. I do cardio 30-40 mins 3 times a week. Id cut calories but I have been told that is not the way to go.

Is it genetics? My father and brother are both fairly lean except around the midsection. All three of us are around 5' 9" - 5' 10" 190-215lbs range.

Is it my occupation? I work in a lab everyday making hormone creams and injectables for patients that need HRT replacement. I heard that its possible that jacked up hormone levels can cause excess fat around the midsection.

would ephedra help? More cardio, less calories? Right now I am about 210lbs, Im not sure what my BF is, maybe 12-13%. Thanks alot guys
first of all, you cant say my diet is consists of about blah, blah, blah grams of protein, blah, blah have to know exactly whats in meal 1 through whatever.

try a.m. cardio,30-40 mins 5x, and a short session, 20-30 mins 3x after training, try fat burners i.e. ephedrine, yohimbine, caffiene. that in itself should make a huge difference, dont blame you genetics, science is science., muscle burns fat.

good luck
Cortisol can cause extra fat but mostly due to poor diet. Cortisol is a stress harmone that can be stopped by taking glutamine after heavy lifting, cardio or stressful situations. Poor dieting can be eating poor foods or eating too little. A lot of people dont get the eating too little but this causes the body to store fat.
Glen Whitestone said:
Cortisol can cause extra fat but mostly due to poor diet. Cortisol is a stress harmone that can be stopped by taking glutamine after heavy lifting, cardio or stressful situations. Poor dieting can be eating poor foods or eating too little. A lot of people dont get the eating too little but this causes the body to store fat.

Bump GW's response, cortisol caused by stress will do it everytime, especially for lower ab fat. Stress is generally the culprit and glutamine can help but it's not a magic bullet, you need to lower your stress levels to lower the cortisol spikes. Keep on top of your diet and cardio and you'll see a change.
everyone is different as always. When I am streesed out I actually lose weight. good diet and bad diet is what will determine your appearance. Genetics just means who has to work harder to look a certain way.
I agree with mikeswift and glen though I am like TheElmo and lose weight when I'm stressed--although I'll note that I lose muscle, not fat sadly enough. The first thing to go is the legs. Man, do I hate that.
yeah modizzle alcohol is hell on ya, and has shown direct effect of abdomen fat. The talk about cortisol is true also, and remember the body has multiple ways of dealing with stress, the most extreme passing out, the most common is eating, especially starchy foods, the brain looks for these for comforts,
I must be stressed out all the time then because I always crave the starchy foods though I don't let myself eat them just because I'm craving. I usually try to eat something else that will satisfy my hunger like a protein shake.
I gotta say, T3 and Clen are a great combo to drop some fat.

I also cycle being on a diet since my body adjusts to the amount of calories I put in. I also like this approach because ANYONE can be on a diet for a week and not cave in. I usually do it for a week or two, then stop for a couple of weeks.

I find when I would try to drop weight and go on a diet for a while, the success always came at the start and my metabolism would simply readust.