Bicep Curls with Straps??


National Strongman Competitor
Wonder how many of you guys use these and believe that they work??

I actually stole this idea a year or so back, I saw a strong bodybuilder doing heavy curls wearing straps for both supinated, then hammer curls...

So I put them in my routine...In strongman, we look for any way to get stronger, and I personally believe in straps 1000% in order to get gains...It eliminates alot of forearm and hand usage, so you can focus on the bicep completely...

Long story short, my biceps strength has improved dramatically over the past two years...

Does anyone here use straps on dumbell curls??
I have some Schiek wrist straps, but never use them. The only time I use them is when I train biceps after back and my forearms are smoked.
I usem .. My grip is screwed on one wrist due to a broken window and tendon slice so heavy curls get the strap..
I used to use them. Now I cock my wrists back and keep them almost limp and only curl my upper arms. Works very well
I never take my straps off at the gym. I use the hook strap and I use them on every thing. I have a construction company and my hands are sore all the time so I use them to take pressure off my palms n fingers. Works great
yes, straps with heavy dumbells or barbells for curls. If you cant grip it, you cant curl it.
Maybe for hammer curls, but NEVER for anything else. I have a a very strong grip so holding on to weight that is actualy stimulating growth is no prob for me.
Your grip strength will only take you so far.....straps will take you beyond that....which will equal more size. I dont train without them.
Oh I use them on back for sure!!!!! But for arms???? I have no prob curling 90lb DB for 12 reps. My grip actualy wheres out more on lateral exercises. So I do where my straps on my heavy lateral days, not my lighter days...
I have tendinitis so my grip is freaking shot on anything hanging. But I'm curious about the straps making it bulkier like those grips that Jay Cutler endorses.
Wonder how many of you guys use these and believe that they work??

I actually stole this idea a year or so back, I saw a strong bodybuilder doing heavy curls wearing straps for both supinated, then hammer curls...

So I put them in my routine...In strongman, we look for any way to get stronger, and I personally believe in straps 1000% in order to get gains...It eliminates alot of forearm and hand usage, so you can focus on the bicep completely...

Long story short, my biceps strength has improved dramatically over the past two years...

Does anyone here use straps on dumbell curls??

I have used them with curls and loved it, it took the stress off my forearms big time making me really concentrate on my biceps, but i havent done this in ages to be honest i totally forgot about it,lol
Good idea...I have thought about it many times because I normally have straps with me on back/bicep day. I'll try it out next time.
Hey Wes, wernt you "body2see" before. I caught you at a strongman in bay area years ago (calif.) Gave you a tee shirt and I
dont even remember what the hell it was. lol I used to use straps for back but I was worried about getting a weak link @
forearms and grip strength. Havent used straps in years. I can say I have a really strong grip though.
Be worth giving it a try to mabey stimulate a little more bicep size.
Never seen anyone use straps like that before. Thanks for the tip. Think I even know where my old straps are. lol
yes, straps with heavy dumbells or barbells for curls. If you cant grip it, you cant curl it.

That's my motto, but it's more like if you can't hold on to it, it's too heavy for you. I bust my partner's balls all the time for strapping in on deadlifts or something. I don't use straps at all unless my forearms are burnt out from arms before back