Biceps---- an odd muscle


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I have found that no matter what the weight is, as long as I am working out routinely my arms will be the same size. If I rep the bar with a 45 on each side with an ez bar or barbell bar or if I do 20 pounds on each side my arms are 18s (a lil big on left) I feel at this point curling heavy is strictly only for showing off and no real benefits to it.
I have very short biceps and it is hard to grow them. I'm not sure what the deal is with my tris, but they are growing slowly. But, still I have only 15.5" arms. Long arms with short biceps, what a curse.
my tris and chest dont grow yet I can bench 115 dbs on incline for 8 ( a few months back) as well as I think its just good skeletal muscle lol