Biceps and Straps


New member
I know I was taking alot of heat for this at first at my local gyms and training partners alike, but now, I have the entire gym and my partners training bicep dumbell curls with straps on...

The benefit is simple, do your warmup routine and then when you are comfortable, go as heavy as possible on biceps curls, safely of course...

Now you take out the majority of the forearm and hand work and I promise you, you will make significant gains doing this.

Anyone here train like this already??
humm interesting never tried it, i can see how you might catch some stuff from the local guys lol. Might try it later this week on arm day thanks fir the tip.
I use straps when I do hammer curls. Takes all the hand strain out so you can go HEAVY!!!!
I've seen guys do that before. Never thought that much about it really.
Ive thought about doing it but just never tried it. Since I dont have really heavy weight right now... the max I can go on dumbells is around 115 , Im going to I guess continue to never try it till I get in the gym and can pound some heavy weight.
Ive thought about doing it but just never tried it. Since I dont have really heavy weight right now... the max I can go on dumbells is around 115 , Im going to I guess continue to never try it till I get in the gym and can pound some heavy weight.

are these regular curls? If so props to you.
I've always used straps. I have disproportionately large forearms and tiny wrists so I don't need any more development. They are weak as shit though.
are these regular curls? If so props to you.

Actually what I ment was , since thats all that weight I have my forearms are not really being taxed, because thats in any exercise. So Im doing my best to avoid straps so my forearms dont become toothpicks. My record on dumbell curls was like 60-70 for 10 standing with good form , and like 70 for 3-5 on preacher dumbell curls.

This was long ago... Now my standing dumbell curls are 50-60 1rep max.... lol
Never used them, I ruptured my bicep tendon last year so I'm I'm a little hesitant to go super heavy on biceps. On DB hammer curls I put my hand all the way to the top and i find i don't use my forearms as much and can really concentrate on hitting the bi's.
alot of people consider using straps cheating or girlie, but i ALWAYS use straps
side raises, shrugs, hammer curls, even flies, and even presses sometimes !

my reasoning for this is as my workout progresses my grip starts to go and i refuse to have my little wrist prevent me from doing the serious weight i need to do to grow

sorry that was alittle off topic but i hate it when people rip of others for use of them... i agree with ya 105k ill always use'em
Why do people consider them Girlie because you are actually smart and save your hands from getting ripped up? hahaha :laugh: