Big Drug Bust in Queens

lol, wow, shits hitting the fan i guess, blame barry,lol, seriously though is their an article to read i just found the voice clip
(Queens - WABC, Septmeber 7, 2007) - Two dozen people, including a professional female boxer, were charged Friday in an undercover investigation of two gyms in Queens suspected of peddling steroids and other drugs to aspiring boxers, body builders and other clients.

Police say 25-year-old Cindy Serrano, a featherweight boxer nicknamed "Checkmate," was awaiting arraignment on charges of criminal sale of a controlled substance.

Also facing drug charges was Serrano's husband, a manager and boxing trainer at one of the gyms.

The arrests followed an 18-month investigation dubbed "Operation Dumbbell," during which undercover detectives bought drugs dozens of time inside both gyms, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said.

Queens District Attorney Richard Brown identified the gyms as the Powerhouse Gym, located at 35-09 Francis Lewis Boulevard in Flushing, and the Envy Us Gym, located at 126-19 20th Avenue in College Point. The gyms were declared public nuisances Thursday and ordered closed by Queens Supreme Court Justice Orin Kitzes.

"Far from being healthy environments for the body and the mind, the gyms were allegedly turned into drug supermarkets by many of the defendants who openly and illegally sold performance drugs wanted by body builders, as well as a cornucopia of highly addictive and potentially dangerous prescription painkillers and street drugs, in and around the two locations," Brown said.

"Today, we issue a clear message," he added. "Businesses that allow drug trafficking or other criminal activity to occur on their premises are at risk of being shut down and those breaking the law face felony charges and serious prison time."

In executing a search warrant at the College Point home of defendants Gregory Kovar and Grace Labartino, police allegedly discovered a makeshift steroid lab and recovered torches, a centrifuge, syringes and gallon bottles containing liquid steroids.

In all, police say they recovered more than an ounce of cocaine, a .357 revolver, a shotgun, approximately 50 Oxycontin pills, numerous boxes containing steroids in both liquid and powder form, and nearly $40,000 in cash as a result of the search warrants.

The gyms allegedly made tens of thousands of dollars each week," Kelly said.
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You know what; sloppy work! I mean c'mon. From these stories they were begging to get caught. The story made it equivilent to Cabrini Green slinging drugs in 1985. For anyone who does not know Cabrini Green was a housing project in Chicago's west side.--Its all equivalent to Mc'y D's selling hamburgers--a lot out in public. Catch me please.
thnx for the article, not alot of names mentioned though, hmmmmm
im sure a big reason they got caught was because of the rec drugs they sold. that always draws a lot of attention....dumb