Big problems with research consulting


New member
Hey guys. Been away a while. Just a heads up for you and mods if this aint kosher drop me a line.
The old research guy, now research consulting at wouldnt be my first pick for your post cycle needs. I needed some anastrazole and T3. They got the dough, even informed me that they did. I sat waiting for TWO MONTHS and got a package with an empty bag with anastrazole written on it and only a part of my T3 order. Im not sure if that qualifies for the full scammer label. Since I got 30% of my order I guess they only scammed me for 70%.
These guys used to be legit and decent to deal with but in the last 1-2 years Ive only dealt with Chem and others.
I guess I shouldnt have gone back.
That sucks, bro. Have you tried to contact them to get it resolved? You should give them the chance to correct it... But major props to cyber-solutionz, as they came through for me in a big way!
Ive contacted them every three days for two months. Ever since getting my package (week now) Ive sent an email ED. No reply
About time you showed your face back here bro. Thats what you get for slacking lots of new peeps out there with excellent service and turn around. Hope you learned your lesson mister ~slaps kossdeh hand with a ruler~ ;)
damn Koss, that sucks.....try cyber-solutionz next time, brotha - I promise no shit like that will ever happen with those guys
I hear ya. thats where I saw them. The dude is the old research guy that evey bumped around here a long while back. Back then he was the main place to get the stuff. I had worked with him before but switched to chem and others because you could use a credit card to get the stuff. Im waiting on gearedup or bass to see if they could do something.
Ive sent many mails to the "company" but no replies. Getting scammed for gear is one thing but for stuff you can get in three days from other sources....
I could have had my shit 7 weeks ago!!
I should know better than this at this stage of the game.

MacGyver said:
I can't believe that nonconsumables did that??? They are a huge sponser at FB.
next time check with the lion he won't stear you wrong .....and you could drive over and pick it up.....
On top of that, I know its someone I know I can trust and delivers when he promises AND delivers quality products
I have Bass working on it but they are still dodging my mails. BTW, I ordered from those guys b/c they were the only place I could find anastrazole powder.
i always use and have had EXCELLENT service and they beat most others prices... but they don't have anastrazole powder..only liquid...
ur biased! they sponsor the board!!!!! lol....maybe they do I'm not arguing, just busting ur balls... I'm sure they are a great company too!

just don't ban me for being a smart ass,,,pleeeeeeaze,lol