Biggest hammy builder...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
What do you guys think it is? I swear by Romanians, but I've also heard people talk about lunges or good mornings
Yep stiff legged are my favorite leg workouts... I have a friend who does them on a box to get sort of a negative effect with them, not a fan cause I have to lower weight when doing it but he swears by it... though my legs are about 4 inches bigger then his and I remind him of that everytime he says from a box is better.
PL style squats and deadlifts

this. I used to be a skinny legged flat assed dude until I started PL training. I'm all glutes and hams. I would say they stand out more than any other part of me. I've started focusing on my quads since my pec tare I can't hold a barbell but they're still there.
Standing leg curls. Laying I feel lets you leverage yourself a lot more and I dont' feel a squeeze until my heels are hitting my ass. Standing, fuck I can feel that the entire way.
I've done sumo squats and sumo deads a ton and still have never had huge hams, but doing Romanian's have helped tremendously. I guess it still comes down to people responding to different things
I've done sumo squats and sumo deads a ton and still have never had huge hams, but doing Romanian's have helped tremendously. I guess it still comes down to people responding to different things
Have you tried pulling conventional?
deads get way too much lower back work for me...simple atg deep squats and staying in bottom 2/3 of movement have done more for my hams than any ham isolation work or dead variations