blood pressure meds while on cycle ?


New member
We all know that these OTC cycle support products do next to nothing so what are some medications you guys recommend to control blood pressure. Not something I'm concerned about at the moment but I will be when I dive into a tren cycle eventually.
It's not right now, I'm just asking as a precautionary measure for when it inevitably will be on compounds like tren so I can have the right meds on hand
I once had a Dr tell me mine was a little high because of the extra muscle. Is their any truth to that. At that time I was running test eq and tren e. So I know why it was high just wondering what You guys thought.

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controlling bp is a bit tough.. but it can happen with the correct supplements..

we have to think about supps that affect ph balance, water retention and regulation, and vasodialation..

with that being said, here are the supps i recommend

chelated magnesium
a b complex vitamin
at least 1 gallon of water intake a day

take these supps with food..

and if you want a little extra kick, 3mg of cialis daily
I once had a Dr tell me mine was a little high because of the extra muscle. Is their any truth to that. At that time I was running test eq and tren e. So I know why it was high just wondering what You guys thought.

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yeah i dont buy that shit lol, and quite frnakly never heard that before, maybe there is a solid reason, but in all my years, my Blood Pressure has always been spot on perfect every single time its been checked, so i say BS
yeah i dont buy that shit lol, and quite frnakly never heard that before, maybe there is a solid reason, but in all my years, my Blood Pressure has always been spot on perfect every single time its been checked, so i say BS
That was the last time I ever seen that Dr I thought it sounded stupid but he is suppose to be smarter than me lol. The sad part is he wouldn't have to be that smart lol

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That was the last time I ever seen that Dr I thought it sounded stupid but he is suppose to be smarter than me lol. The sad part is he wouldn't have to be that smart lol

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yeah idk man, I dont think Doctors know nearly as much as we think they do or should, Hell my Doctor just 2 months ago told me he has never Voted in his life lmao, he was bitching about Obama care, and some other Insurance type shit, and I always wondered where he was on the conservative or liberal side, so I asked him and he said he now leans more right, but has never voted, it almost floored me man! But yeah i dont think they know shit about our type of supplements or drugs and such, but i guess they have no reason to lol,
yeah idk man, I dont think Doctors know nearly as much as we think they do or should, Hell my Doctor just 2 months ago told me he has never Voted in his life lmao, he was bitching about Obama care, and some other Insurance type shit, and I always wondered where he was on the conservative or liberal side, so I asked him and he said he now leans more right, but has never voted, it almost floored me man! But yeah i dont think they know shit about our type of supplements or drugs and such, but i guess they have no reason to lol,
Wasn't sure you would ever bring politics into a conversation with me again brutha Lmao. I think it's rediculous the lack of knowledge dr's have pertaining to testosterone and our world in general.

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Wasn't sure you would ever bring politics into a conversation with me again brutha Lmao. I think it's rediculous the lack of knowledge dr's have pertaining to testosterone and our world in general.

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They only know what the feds feed them. They are as much puppets as alot of the citizens of this country.

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They only know what the feds feed them. They are as much puppets as alot of the citizens of this country.

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Amen brother. In my opinion the most powerful people in our country are the lobbiests for big pharmaceutical companies or our health care would be trying to cure us instead of pro long us.

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Amen brother. In my opinion the most powerful people in our country are the lobbiests for big pharmaceutical companies or our health care would be trying to cure us instead of pro long us.

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Modify our food supply to make us sick then sell us overpriced, dangerous drugs to help us while banning shit that is actually good for us.

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