Blood Work--Need help making sense of it


36 yr old Male 5'10'' 195 15-20%BF
Bench 255'ish--don't really push it much more than that due to torn labrum (left). Ordered Mc's IGF to see if that will help
Squat 350--not looking to be the biggest guy around--I wear suits and would rather keep the more lean sprints...etc

I could tell that something wasn't right recently so made a trip to the DR. 4 months ago I went to see him and my Testosterone levels were at 273 and he put on my on Testosterone Pellets. A month later, I returned to Dr and had lab results again that showed I was only at 580 Testosterone, which he added a few more pellets. Fast forward to now, and the below results are from last weeks lab results. I had pellets inserted today and will return in one month to run lab results, he said he'd like to see my levels around 900+.

I have a bottle of T400,not a fan of it however, but will use it after I return for labs...I'll post the new labs once I get them. I also have Dbol, and Anavar.

  1. However, I wanted to know what you guys see give the results below. Dr's don't always see what you guys do. I don't want to stay on TRT for long, I'd like to have children soon, but wanted to know your thoughts about the lab results--
  2. AND while I'm on it, I'd like to gain some mass and take advantage it as well. Hypothetically, how much (quantity) of Test can a body take yearly before it's unhealthy? Today I had 2000mg's, I believe, inserted which should take 6-7 months to expire/be used until I need another dose. It supposedly tapers down as well, beginning at a high number (say...900) and gradually decreasing at time goes by (i.e. 850...800...725...etc). Therefore, I'd like to start my cycle in about a month to 6 wks from now.

The RED text are part of the lab results that stood out to me.

Thank you,

[TABLE="width: 500, align: center"]
[TD="align: center"]Lab[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Result[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Units[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Ref-Range[/TD]
[TD]Sex Horm Bind Globulin[/TD]
[TD]Free Testosterone[/TD]
[TD]Prostatic Specific AG[/TD]
[TD]Free PSA %[/TD]
[TD]Platelet Count[/TD]
The testosterone reference range is 384 - 1197 ng/dL
The Estradiol (E2) reference range is 7.6 - 42.6 pg/mL

You are on the low side of test (which is probably why you are on TRT) but still in range for E2. I personally feel best with E2 in the mid 20s, but it varies by individual.

High RDW, Normal MCV: Early iron deficiency anemia, chronic liver disease, sickle cell disease - you would know if you had sickle cell disease and your MCV, MCH values do not indicate any type of problem with your liver. This would mean you are most likely very low on iron. You can have an iron test done to verify it, though. I would talk to my doctor about that result.

SHBG is a substance in the body that binds with free test to make it no longer free and available for use to build muscles, etc. The less you have, the more free test you have. This is often checked if a person complains of all the symptoms of low T but the free test is still in range. If SHBG is low (as yours is), then an in range but still very low reading for free test (like yours) means the person is still a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.