Bodybuilder gets discharged with smoking pot

I'm impressed they didn't hang him for the GH and steriods. I wonder if she is still
his girlfriend?
I would think not. If it were me, I'd break up with her if she didn't first break up with me (if that makes sense??). That amazes me, too, that they didn't charge him on the GH and steroids.
At least the guy is able to still compete after his suspension. Personaly I dont see anything wrong with smoking pot,other than the fact your smoking, and that messes up your lungs. Weed has 7 times the amount of tar (wich sticks to your lungs and chokes off needed air). The tar that is given off when something is smoked is called creasote. Its the samething they use to coat telephone poles with and railroad ties. But, I still say weed is safer than any other drug out there for personal use or some kind of treatment use. If you research the stats on the issue of pot legality and medical use. You'll see that more people die in a year from alchohol related deaths than all drugs combined. And thats a fact. My point is, Prohibition does not work at all. Period. Heres a little example, You wouldnt let someone rape you or touch your body in any way that you didn't like against your will would you ? Well then, Why the hell does the goverment have the right to tell you what you can and can't do to your own fucking body. The only person that has the right and privledge to do so should be you and your higher power. Thats the bottem line. Man, I could go on all day and write comentaries on this issue but I'm done. This whole thing just upsets me to much.
My thinking is Pot dosent have the couple of hundred of other ingredients that
cigarets do, including arsnic, siniade ect. (those are really ingrediants in cigs)
When I finish this ounce of weed I'm heading to the gym!! lol
Also, no one ever got a speeding ticket after smoking pot. (those are the guys
driving 25 in the slow lane on the freeway - lol)
Hey tool - I feel ya - "Big Brother" is and tries to get too much into our lives
to have total control. Dont get me started!!!
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almost a pound of pot for personal use?

probably a stiffer and easier charge for the pot (due to the amount) than the gear.
That’s a pretty funny excuse needing pot to stimulate appetite. Being on usually makes most people hungry as hell. But hey I guess were all different, and in his case lucky, well I take that back his girlfriend did rat him out to the police. I swear some shit just never stops amazing me.