Boladrol (7,17a-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol) Profile, Designer Steroid review how to guide


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
[h=2]<h1> Boladrol (7,17a-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol) Profile, Designer Steroid review how to guide</h1>[/h]

***Review based solely on logs read collectively***

Despite Boladrol being released quite recently, it’s already generated significant buzz due to the magnitude of the compound, in other words it’s incredibly potent.* Boladrol (7,17a-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol) is the diol variation of Bolasterone (7a,17a-Dimethyltestosterone) which was sold by Thermolife in the earlier 2000′s but was later discontinued/banned.

Quick Notes Boladrol appears to be one of the strongest compound available on the current market, cycles are typically low dosage and cycles short and sweet.* Conversion to estrogen is an issue here and this is a wetter compound than most so having something on hand to combat estrogenic side effects is helpful.* The manufacturer claim it’s six times as anabolic and three times as androgenic as methyl-testosterone which would make this quite the potent combat from virtually every angle.

Maintaining Health Boladrol is an oral based pro-hormone that’s processed by the liver,Boladrol is also a methylated compound and thus puts additional strain on our bodies liver.* Based on early information this appears to be one of the strongest compounds available and could potentially have a high likely hood for side effects but more than likely no more than any other strong compound (superdrol, etc).* Blood tests are still coming back from users but we can assume in general it can negatively impact blood pressure, lipid values, cholesterol levels and will put stress on the bodies endocrine system.

With any pro-hormone/designer steroid there is always some risk associated with using them, however this risk in most cases can be mitigated by properly planning our cycle to include supplements designed to be taken in conjunction with steroids.* In general we want to protect our livers, lipid values, keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check, we achieve this by utilizing an “all-in-one” product designed for steroid products, therefore ANYONE running Boladrol should be required to supplement with one of the following products through the duration of the cycle.

These products will assist your body with maintaining healthy blood pressure, prostate health, liver function and lipid profile by utilizing popular herbs such as Hawthorn Berry (BP), NAC (liver), Milk Thistle (liver), Saw Palmetto (prostate) among others.* Please follow the manufactures recommended dosage (as per bottle) as it’s the dosage known to work best.

Where as with many cycles, one of the products above would be sufficient on it’s own for cycle protection, however for Boladrol it’s recommended to take the route “better safe than sorry” and provide our bodies with additional protection by supplementing with the following.

Cycle Dosing * Company suggestion* Two words come to mind with Boladrol, short and sweet, from most accounts this compound begins to work incredibly quickly (within 2-3 days is not uncommon).* Since this cycle is quite new many (including us) are still experimenting with cycle dosages and cycle length, we have seen cycles as high as 6mg over the course of 4 weeks typically this type of experimenting should be done by those with experience and knowledge.* Below are two example layouts that is generally (and currently) the most common layouts.

Four week cycle:

4 mg daily | four weeks

Notes: Advanced users can bump dosage to 6mg during the final week if no sides present.* Users with moderate experience should start the first week at 2mg to asses tolerance.* This compound is also quite effective during a three week cycle (4mg daily – 3 weeks).* It’s recommended for ideal coverage and absorption that dosages be split up by 6-8 hours, ideally with one dosage being taken prior to workout.* Consume at least 16 ounces of water with each dosage.

Typical Results Boladrol gains typically come on quite quickly with noticeable gains occurring during the second week, based on our test cycle and other users cycles the gains seem to be quite significant with gains in the range of 10lbs over a four week cycle in our test cycle gains of 11lbs over four weeks were realized.* However as always gains are heavily unique to each user, diet and training regiment also play a significant role as well.

It should be noted that water bloating has been observed in most cycles, therefore some gains will be lost post cycle due to water weight.

Post Cycle Therapy Possibly the most important item on the menu is post cycle therapy, when taking a foreign substance (Boladrol) that creates testosterone your body begins to shut down it’s normal production, when you stop taking a pro-hormone or steroid compound your body needs a way to jump start it’s own natural production again, while limiting endocrine system stress, this is why we need post cycle therapy.* It’s not just as simple as that however, when coming off of a compound your body goes through a very stressful phase as your hormones are out of balance, failure to mitigate these imbalances can result in a unique set of side effects not related to the active compound.* Below is just a *few* of the noted side effects of an improper post cycle therapy regiment, it should also be noted that the occurrence of side effects in the post cycle stage is more common than the “on-cycle” phase, however a properly planned post cycle therapy regiment can mitigate these risks. Gynecomastia (or Man Boobs) Anxiety/Depression (Can range mild to severe) Body Aches/Pains (Can range mild to severe) Impotence and other sexual function side effects. Loss of gains made on cycle. As you can see, these are side affects we definitely want to avoid at all costs, so let’s start discussing a proper Boladrol PCT (Post Cycle Therapy).

Post Cycle General:* You should begin your PCT regiment immediately after your pro-hormone or designer steroid cycle, it should begin the day after your last dosage of Boladrol.* PCT regiments are typically 4-6 weeks depending on the type of compound being used, user and type of PCT.* As noted in the previous section under “Maintaining Health”, you should continue to use Life Support, Cycle Assist or Cycle Support throughout your entire cycle, INCLUDING your PCT regiment.

Boost Natural Testosterone Production. Regulate Estrogen. Restore HPTA function. Reducing SHBG. Control Cortisol Effects. Control Cortisol Effects.

Over The Counter:* An OTC (Over The Counter) post cycle therapy regiment is not an acceptable PCT for Boladrol, with Boladrol cycles a Research Drug is REQUIRED.

Below is an example PCT when using a research drug (such as Nolvadex aka Tamoxifen Citrate, as we are in this case).

Week 1 Nolvadex 30mg | Week 2-3 Nolvadex 20mg & P.C.T Assist (6 caps) | Week 4 Nolvadex 10mg & P.C.T Assist (6 caps) | Week 5 P.C.T Assist (6 caps)
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Man I can't see the article, but I did Boladrol in the past. That shit is no joke. If I has the choice I would use that over ANY oral out there. Nothing hangs with that shit. I bought several packs, but when I go partying I'm super generous and gave several away... Now I've got none :-)
They never remade it I expect Celtic to rebirth it. My AAS source sells the active version... GP Bolasterone the active version..
[h=3][FONT=&quot]Boladrol is a very potent compound, claimed to be about 600% as anabolic as methyl-testosterone and 300% as androgenic. The dose needed to see results with Boladrol is very low in comparison to other steroids. The typical dosing range is 2-6 mg/day, and many users report significant results with only 2 mg/day. Boladrol should be extremely effective in terms of both mass and strength gains and should work very quickly. Though Boladrol an convert to estrogen, anecdotal evidence shows it to not cause very much bloating and while Boladrol is best used during a mass gaining phase, it can still be used during a cutting phase because it should not cause excessive bloating or fat gain.

[FONT=&quot]All of these great results that come with Boladrol also come with side effects. As mentioned before, Bolasterone was discontinued with liver toxicity being the main cause. Boladrol is dimethylated, and mg for mg it is rumored to be more liver toxic than even Superdrol. The low doses used will help lessen this effect to some degree, but liver toxicity is still a big issue with Boladrol, and this effect limits cycle length to no longer than 4 weeks. Boladrol should never be stacked with other methylated steroids or prohormones. Some type of liver support should absolutely be used before, during, and after a cycle of Boladrol. Boladrol is also very androgenic. While it is a possibility that the C-7 methyl group may decrease 5a reduction, Boladrol is still several times more androgenic than methyl-testosterone and can cause androgenic side effects such as hair loss and acne. While Boladrol does not appear to be a very “wet” compound, it can convert to estrogen and is not devoid of estrogenic side effects.


[FONT=&quot]Boladrol can produce some very rapid gains in size and strength in a short amount of time, but often when gains are made this quickly much of the size gained is lost when the steroid is discontinued. Boladrol also comes with some side effects, especially liver toxicity. Boladrol should only be used by athletes with prior prohormone or steroid experience, and precautions should be taken to reduce the side effects experienced with this potent compound.[/FONT]

l dosage recommendation: Take for 4 weeks at 2-6mg per day. The average user should not need more than 4mg. Do not take longer than 4 weeks.

Boladrol is a wet compound resulting in increases in mass and strength. With proper diet and training, users are reporting gains of up to 15 pounds in 4 weeks.

What makes Boladrol different than all other prohormones?
It has progesterone receptor binding affinity
It is much more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone
Very low doses are needed for maximum effects
It gives results faster than any other prohormone
It gives more mass and strength gains than any other prohormone
It can be used in short 2 weeks cycles with great results

Boladrol is only for those looking to gain serious muscle mass and strength in a short amount of time. It should only be used by experienced and well trained lifters. If utilized correctly, Boladrol will provide significant gains.


Boladrol is making a name for itself in the bodybuilding world because of its supposedly potent effects when it comes to bulking. But the question is should you really give this prohormone a spot in your arsenal for your next cycle? Let’s find out by giving it a closer look.
Table of Contents
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  • What is Boladrol?
  • So How Does Boladrol Work?
  • What Benefits Does Boladrol Have?
  • Does Boladrol Have Side Effects?
  • Boladrol Dosage and Cycling Length
[h=2]What is Boladrol?[/h]At its simplest, Boladrol is a methylated prohormone that’s modeled after Bolasterone, a 17α-alkylated anabolic-androgenic steroid that was initially developed for veterinary use and marketed under the brand names Methosarb and Myagen.
The chemical structure of Boladrol
Invented in 1959, Bolasterone was touted as the “most potent oral anabolic agent that had yet been examined.” Clinical findings in the 1960s showed that this compound has strong anabolic properties with moderately androgenic capabilities – it is deemed to have an anabolic rating of 600% compared to methyl-testosterone and 300% androgenic compared to the same – and has been seen to stimulate prominent muscle mass accumulation when administered.
Although Bolasterone had a decent takeoff in the pharmaceutical market, its manufacture was halted due to its high liver toxicity. However, it did not take long before bodybuilders and strength athletes began including it in their respective cycles. Due to its similarity with testosterone in terms of chemical structure, using Bolasterone led to rapid muscle gains as well as significant boosts in strength and endurance.
The active ingredient of Boladrol is 7,17-alpha-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol, which converts into the enzyme 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, also known as 3b-HSD, when metabolized by the body. From there, it sets off anabolic effects akin to Bolasterone. Given its potency, you don’t have to use high doses of Boladrol to see results.
Due to the extreme power of this prohormone, it is not recommended for use by women or individuals under the age of 21 because of the risk of damage to the endocrine glands, virility and masculinization. It should not be stacked with other prohormones, too.
[h=2]So How Does Boladrol Work?[/h]As a testosterone derivative, Boladrol triggers a chain reaction as soon as it gets metabolized by the body. It binds with androgen receptors and stimulates muscle growth and development, including improvements in terms of fat loss as well as boosts in overall power, endurance and recovery. Now while the body naturally does this via testosterone production, Boladrol speeds up the process a lot of times faster.
[h=2]What Benefits Does Boladrol Have?[/h]According to seasoned prohormone users, Boladrol is a good choice to go for if you’re looking to rapid mass gains. It is said to have the ability to help you bulk up with as much as 10 to 15 pounds in a month’s time if cycled properly.
Some users also emphasize that this prohormone is a nice pick during the cutting phase since it doesn’t just improve the way the body uses fat for energy, but also prevents it from accumulating while at it. Other benefits of Boladrol include an increased sense of well-being and focus and added aggression during workouts.
[h=2]Does Boladrol Have Side Effects?[/h]Now while Boladrol has already proved its mettle as a potent bulker, the other side of the coin is a part of the gains that you’re getting is from water retention. This means that you need to work extra harder to keep those water gains off compared to other prohormones.
Although it won’t make you as vulnerable to estrogenic issues such as gynecomastia like other compounds, this stuff can be rather toxic to the liver. It is extremely important that you use a liver protection supplement before, during and after cycling with Boladrol.
Other noted side effects with Boladrol use include hypertension, sudden acne breakouts as well as either accelerated hair growth or hair loss, particularly among men who are predisposed to male pattern baldness. A product like Infinity Hair used on cycle will work wonders.
Moreover, it is crucial that you have a proper post cycle therapy, preferably with a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) since this prohormone is rather strong.
[h=2]Boladrol Dosage and Cycling Length[/h]Remember that you’ll need to have proper on-cycle support before even thinking about cycling with Boladrol. Now we’ve got that covered, you should start with a 2-milligram dose each day to gauge your tolerance with this compound.
After a couple days of continued use without experiencing any issues, bump up your daily dose to 4 to 6 milligrams. Sure it sounds a bit low compared to the dosing of its counterparts, but it is already enough to get the results this prohormone is known for. The typical cycle length for Boladrol is 3 to 4 weeks. Any longer than that and you could be in for some serious side effects.

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About a year ago some one that was part of Celtic made a run copying Celtics version. It sold out quick and was 1 and done. I still have a few left.

It’s similar to Mtren for me dosing is a little higher though in my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
600% more anabolic than methyl test?? I bet money that’s a huge exaggeration by the author. Real world and on paper are almost always way different. Sounds Interesting though.

Robolics Labs Intelligence
At 4-5mg of bola it’s similar to 500 mcg of Mtren.

In my opinion

It’s good for like a 2 week blast or a break through .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Boladrol ProHormone Profile Bolasterone diol, Dimethylandrostenediol Designer Steroid

7,17-alpha-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol is a powerful prohormone that, after ingestion, converts to Bolasterone.

Boladrol is a "wet" compound that is both very anabolic and androgenic, which means increases in mass and strength along with increased aggression in the gym and better state of mind. The original manufacturer claims Boladrol is stronger than every other prohormone currently available. It's been compared to Anadrol, a well known powerful anabolic compound.

There is no need to stack Boladrol with another prohormone and doing so would just increase side effects. Boladrol may be stacked with a supplement that reduces estrogen in the body to help combat the estrogen related side effects.

7a,17a-dimethyl-androst-4-en-3b,17b-diol, Boladrol, Bolasterone diol, Dimethylandrostenediol

A new prohormone from PHF/IBE, never seen before on the prohormone or pharmaceutical market, that converts in vivo to the steroid Bolasterone. Bolasterone was invented in 1959 and in 1962 was described as "the most potent oral anabolic agent which had yet been examined".

Boladrol is a "diol" prohormone, and should convert well to the active hormone via the same mechanism as all 3b,17b-diols: the enzyme 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, or 3b-HSD.

Structurally, Boladrol is a testosterone derivative, having the C3-C4 double bond common to this class of hormone. It resembles methyl testosterone in that it has a 17a-methyl group, though differs from it in that it has an additional methyl group at position 7a, and a hydroxyl at position 3b, whereas methyl test has a 3-ketone function. The addition of the methyl group at 7a greatly increases both the androgen receptor affinity and the anabolic properties of the compound.

Structurally it would appear likely to aromatise to a potent dimethylated estrogen, though the 7a-methyl may provide steric hindrance to the reaction. In fact there's evidence that some 7a-alkylated testosterone derivatives have aromatase inhibiting properties, with smaller 7a substitutions making stronger inhibitors than bulkier substitutions.

This 7a-methyl group will also prevent the steroid from being 5a-reduced, but does not prevent it from being 5b-reduced, so all metabolites lacking the delta-4 double bond will be inactive 5b-reduced metabolites.

Effects should be similar to the oral anabolic steroid Bolasterone, a strongly anabolic, moderately androgenic compound which should elicit significant strength gains and increased accumulation of muscle mass. Since it's a powerful compound, and aromatisation a likelihood, weight gain is likely to be quick resulting from a mix of muscle mass and an increase in water retention on cycle. A SERM PCT protocol followed after cycle.

Side-effects may include but are not limited to: loss of or heightened libido, elevated liver enzymes and potential temporary liver function impairment, HPTA disruption, adverse shifts in lipoprotein subfractions (increased HDL, lowered LDL cholesterol), acne, hair growth or loss, and an increase in blood pressure. This product should not be used by women or teens.

The clinical evaluation of Bolasterone in the 1960s found it to be effective at promoting weight gain at doses of just 1-2mg. They also found it to be around twice as potent as dianabol by nitrogen retention studies. As with any new compound, sensible users will keep dosages low and cycle-lengths short, until those with less caution have established some guidelines of how not to do it. Early Boladrol adopters have been dosing between 4 and 8mg per day for two to four weeks, and reporting great results.

Info links for 7,17-alpha-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol (Boladrol)

Rating for Boladrol
Strength (higher = better)
Size (higher = better)
Cutting (higher = better)
Sides (lower = better)
Overall Rating: 6.75 (higher is better)
Boladrol is a methylated prohormone modeled after Bolasterone, a 17α-alkylated anabolic-androgenic steroid

<article id="post-5526" class="post-5526 prohormone type-prohormone status-publish hentry clearfix" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Boladrol methylated prohormone modeling Bolasterone, a 17α-alkylated anabolic-androgenic steroid

What is Boladrol?

At its simplest, Boladrol is a methylated prohormone that’s modeled after Bolasterone, a 17α-alkylated anabolic-androgenic steroid that was initially developed for veterinary use and marketed under the brand names Methosarb and Myagen.

Boladrol is making a name for itself in the bodybuilding world because of its supposedly potent effects when it comes to bulking. But the question is should you really give this prohormone a spot in your arsenal for your next cycle? Let’s find out by giving it a closer look.

So How Does Boladrol Work?

As a testosterone derivative, Boladrol triggers a chain reaction as soon as it gets metabolized by the body. It binds with androgen receptors and stimulates muscle growth and development, including improvements in terms of fat loss as well as boosts in overall power, endurance and recovery. Now while the body naturally does this via testosterone production, Boladrol speeds up the process a lot of times faster.

What Benefits Does Boladrol Have?

According to seasoned prohormone users, Boladrol is a good choice to go for if you’re looking to rapid mass gains. It is said to have the ability to help you bulk up with as much as 10 to 15 pounds in a month’s time if cycled properly.

Some users also emphasize that this prohormone is a nice pick during the cutting phase since it doesn’t just improve the way the body uses fat for energy, but also prevents it from accumulating while at it. Other benefits of Boladrol include an increased sense of well-being and focus and added aggression during workouts.

Does Boladrol Have Side Effects?

Now while Boladrol has already proved its mettle as a potent bulker, the other side of the coin is a part of the gains that you’re getting is from water retention. This means that you need to work extra harder to keep those water gains off compared to other prohormones.

Although it won’t make you as vulnerable to estrogenic issues such as gynecomastia like other compounds, this stuff can be rather toxic to the liver. It is extremely important that you use a liver protection supplement before, during and after cycling with Boladrol.

Other noted side effects with Boladrol use include hypertension, sudden acne breakouts as well as either accelerated hair growth or hair loss, particularly among men who are predisposed to male pattern baldness. A product like MuscleChemistry Finesteride used on cycle will work wonders.

Moreover, it is crucial that you have a proper post cycle therapy, preferably with a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) since this prohormone is rather strong.

Boladrol Dosage and Cycling Length

Remember that you’ll need to have proper on-cycle support before even thinking about cycling with Boladrol. Now we’ve got that covered, you should start with a 2-milligram dose each day to gauge your tolerance with this compound.

After a couple days of continued use without experiencing any issues, bump up your daily dose to 4 to 6 milligrams. Sure it sounds a bit low compared to the dosing of its counterparts, but it is already enough to get the results this prohormone is known for. The typical cycle length for Boladrol is 3 to 4 weeks. Any longer than that and you could be in for some serious side effects.

Related Keywords

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Boladrol ProHormone Profile Bolasterone diol, Dimethylandrostenediol Designer Steroid


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