Brand spanking new sexy ass cycle.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hey guys I am going to be starting the following cycle fairly soon. Im not really open to suggestions at this point; I have finely tuned this baby to see amazing results. I am a seasoned user of AAS and peptides but never together. Please let me know what you guys think I can expect in terms of results. Thanks!

Weeks 1-5: 50mg Dbol

Weeks 1-5: 50mg Anadrol

Weeks 1-12: 500mg Tren E

Weeks 1-12: 420mg Deca

Weeks 1-13: 750mg Test E

Weeks 1-14: IGF-1 LR3 100mcg ED Bilaterally

never mixed the drol and dbol together but ive heard good things. Cycle looks awesome to me man should grow like a weed for sure.
Hey guys I am going to be starting the following cycle fairly soon. Im not really open to suggestions at this point; I have finely tuned this baby to see amazing results. I am a seasoned user of AAS and peptides but never together. Please let me know what you guys think I can expect in terms of results. Thanks!

Weeks 1-5: 50mg Dbol

Weeks 1-5: 50mg Anadrol

Weeks 1-12: 500mg Tren E

Weeks 1-12: 420mg Deca

Weeks 1-13: 750mg Test E

Weeks 1-14: IGF-1 LR3 100mcg ED Bilaterally


Its strange 'cause i've been reading a shed load of stuff on this and other forums about the use of IGF-Lr3 and HGH (to be more precise GHRP-6 & GRH 1-29) at the same time. It is deemed by most as a waste of time as the GH inhibits the action of the IGF or vice versa.

Anyone else know if im right or wrong. Im about to embark on a similar stack but removed the IGF having been advised against it as a waste of time.
Its strange 'cause i've been reading a shed load of stuff on this and other forums about the use of IGF-Lr3 and HGH (to be more precise GHRP-6 & GRH 1-29) at the same time. It is deemed by most as a waste of time as the GH inhibits the action of the IGF or vice versa.

Anyone else know if im right or wrong. Im about to embark on a similar stack but removed the IGF having been advised against it as a waste of time.

you re definately wrong. I think you are referring to IGF and MGF.
As far as gains, it depends......

when was the last time you were on, and for how long? if your body is super fresh, and you havent been on in a while, and your eating right, I would say over 20 lbs. i have never used hgh though, so Im not sure what results that would yield though. Give it a go son!:sport:
Its strange 'cause i've been reading a shed load of stuff on this and other forums about the use of IGF-Lr3 and HGH (to be more precise GHRP-6 & GRH 1-29) at the same time. It is deemed by most as a waste of time as the GH inhibits the action of the IGF or vice versa.

Anyone else know if im right or wrong. Im about to embark on a similar stack but removed the IGF having been advised against it as a waste of time.

I believe you are actually referring to IGF and MGF. IGF and HGH will have an effect on each other as far as the negative feedback loop in the body is concerned, i.e., one will decrease the output of the other in the body, but they don't work against each other as far as what they do. Also, we're talking about real HGH and IGF-lr3, not the GH releasers or fragments which would be quite different.

For the original poster, it looks like an awesome cycle.
you re definately wrong. I think you are referring to IGF and MGF.

I believe you are actually referring to IGF and MGF. IGF and HGH will have an effect on each other as far as the negative feedback loop in the body is concerned, i.e., one will decrease the output of the other in the body, but they don't work against each other as far as what they do. Also, we're talking about real HGH and IGF-lr3, not the GH releasers or fragments which would be quite different.

For the original poster, it looks like an awesome cycle.

Okay cool, thanks for putting me straight on this. Although im using GH releasers and not straight HGH im gonna drop IGF Lr3 in there PreWO at 40mcg BiLat and see what happens ... hopefully it'll be :bber:
looks sick brother... should def get some killer gains on a cycle like that... do you have you anti e's on hand and post cycle recovery supps ?

not insulting your intelligence, just double checking :-)
looks sick brother... should def get some killer gains on a cycle like that... do you have you anti e's on hand and post cycle recovery supps ?

not insulting your intelligence, just double checking :-)

i am going to be using aromasin at 25mg ED. i also have prami and cabaser on hand for the 19-nors to prevent any prolactin induced gyno should it get out of control. i use clomid for pct and hcg during the cycle to prevent testicular atrophy and to keep my leydig cells producting at least a little bit of test.
Hey guys I am going to be starting the following cycle fairly soon. Im not really open to suggestions at this point; I have finely tuned this baby to see amazing results. I am a seasoned user of AAS and peptides but never together. Please let me know what you guys think I can expect in terms of results. Thanks!

Weeks 1-5: 50mg Dbol

Weeks 1-5: 50mg Anadrol

Weeks 1-12: 500mg Tren E

Weeks 1-12: 420mg Deca

Weeks 1-13: 750mg Test E

Weeks 1-14: IGF-1 LR3 100mcg ED Bilaterally


I dont think you gains will be all that great personaly just because i think your running your gear to short of a time, but thats just my personal opinion brutha, let me actualy rephrase that, you will have decent gains but i think they could be much better with an extra 3-4 weeks of the gear, i just think its too short thats all