Brandon's Biceps

Ox 51

Musclechemistry Guru

How the always well-armed Brandon Curry grows his guns.


How the always well-armed Brandon Curry grows his guns.

June 25, 2011

Three years is an eternity in bodybuilding, so the memory of Brandon Curry’s overall victory at the 2008 NPC USA Championships has probably faded. He spent the next year away from stages and underwhelmed in his first two IFBB Pro League contests last year. After a humbling 10th at this year’s New York Pro, many were ready to write him off, but Curry bounced back with his best combination of high-def cuts and 3-D mass at the Toronto Pro. His third there qualified him for this year’s Mr. Olympia. And here’s the kicker: At 28, he’ll likely be the youngest competitor on stage. B.C. still has a lot of years to fulfill his immense promise. Brandon has never lacked for guns and yet he keeps trading them in for bigger models, so we got him to share his arm-training philosophy and a typical biceps routine.


* “In the past, I hit biceps after chest or back, but lately I've been training them with triceps on a separate day reserved just for arms. Pumping bi's and tri's together stretches the fascia, which, I believe, contributes to greater growth. If triceps are lagging, hit them before biceps so that you can blast them with intensity while your energy levels are high."

* "I tend to train my arms pretty quickly. I don't rest much between sets--maybe 30-60 seconds. This is because biceps and triceps are smaller muscle groups that don't tax the heart a lot. So there's really no reason to rest, other than to regain enough strength to perform the next set. A minute is more than enough time to accomplish that."


</TD></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR><TH>EXERCISE </TH><TH>SETS</TH><TH>REPS </TH></TR><TR><TD>EZ-bar curls </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seated dumbbell curls </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Machine preacher curls </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>One-arm cable curls </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>15</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Seated dumbbells, I'm assuming these are alternating? I love doing EZ bar curls with the arm blaster
I think seated I do alternating, but incline I do both arms at once. How bout you?
I do them both alternating. Inclines are hell though, I don't think I can go much more than 40# dbs
I like old school heavy barbell curls, hammer curls, Hammer or Strive Preacher curls. Occasionally I hook up a straight bar to a low cable and lay back on an incline and curl from my knees to my forehead.
I like old school heavy barbell curls, hammer curls, Hammer or Strive Preacher curls. Occasionally I hook up a straight bar to a low cable and lay back on an incline and curl from my knees to my forehead.

I really think barbell curls are underestimated. I do them at the end and they murder my arms. I love them now that they no longer hurt my wrists