Broken Ankle mid cycle, What do I do?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Im 80% finished with my cycle and I just severely broke my ankle. I have a "pilon" fracture. The end of my tibia and fibula are smashed. I just had one of two surgeries required to repair it. My plan was to finish this cycle, cruise for 4-6 Weeks, then start another cycle. Now what do I do? I just did .5cc test E. I think im just going to continue that once a week until I can get back in the gym. Doc told me this is a life altering fracture. No time frame on returning to gym. How do I keep the gains I made when im bed stricken? Im scared to do IGF, this is why.
Right now I have a frame on my leg holding it together. No healing yet, I don't think. He's only waiting for the swelling to go down before doing the repair. The second surgery will involve screws and plates for repair. This is when I should add IGF, right? Should I do IM or SQ?
What other advice does anyone have?
Im really stuck, any advice would be very helpful.
I hate to hear that bro. I went thru about the same thing with my knee. You can get everything back you lose. Worry about pt and getting back to 100% that'll be a chore in itself. Good luck.
Well shit..that's a great way to start the summer.. Sorry to hear and I know no one would enjoy this .. But in due time igf im at site would be appropriate but you're talking ankle so I think theres gonna be a site issue.. As for the test e at .5 I think that's a good idea rather than stopping cold .. Others with more issues regarding broken bones I'm sure will help here too bro.
Pilon fx's are bad news.. Howd u manage to do this?
4 months is a rough estimate for being up and feeling well enough to start doing light workouts.
I think IGF or HGH after your second surgery isnt a bad idea. Just stay away from injecting near your surgical site. You dont want to introduce bacteria into a healing bone.
Pilon fx's are bad news.. Howd u manage to do this?
4 months is a rough estimate for being up and feeling well enough to start doing light workouts.
I think IGF or HGH after your second surgery isnt a bad idea. Just stay away from injecting near your surgical site. You dont want to introduce bacteria into a healing bone.
Also, recent studies have shown deca improves fracture healing time in older patients. As far as i know it hasnt been studied in younger healthy patients but i see no reason why it wouldnt help
Also, recent studies have shown deca improves fracture healing time in older patients. As far as i know it hasnt been studied in younger healthy patients but i see no reason why it wouldnt help

That's great information Jpotch. Is 41 years old considered an "older" patient? I know HGH would be helpful, but im having trouble making sure I get good HGH. That's just something im going to have to work through. When should I introduce the deca, and at what dose?
I broke it on a motorcycle, offroad. I raced professionally in my 20's and my career was plagued with injuries. 2 reconstructive shoulder surgeries on the right, and 3 on the left. One knee surgery, and a broken back in 96'. Now I teach younger up and coming athletes. All my injuries is how I was exposed to performance enhancing drugs. There are very few professional motocross athletes that don't use them. They have to, to be able to recover from injuries in a speedy fashion.
Thank you so much for your input.
Damn bro that's terrible, obviously you know you're going to lose a bunch of weight, so just get through the surgery and the PT then you'll be able to start the rebuild which will be easy since you'll have a lot of muscle memory. I am sure you'll be able to get back to where you were, but in better shape this time around simply because it'll be like starting over from scratch, but with all of your knowledge
That's great information Jpotch. Is 41 years old considered an "older" patient? I know HGH would be helpful, but im having trouble making sure I get good HGH. That's just something im going to have to work through. When should I introduce the deca, and at what dose?
I broke it on a motorcycle, offroad. I raced professionally in my 20's and my career was plagued with injuries. 2 reconstructive shoulder surgeries on the right, and 3 on the left. One knee surgery, and a broken back in 96'. Now I teach younger up and coming athletes. All my injuries is how I was exposed to performance enhancing drugs. There are very few professional motocross athletes that don't use them. They have to, to be able to recover from injuries in a speedy fashion.
Thank you so much for your input.

I'll see if i can find the studies that include dosages of nandrolone...
I know some on females have shown results at 25mg/wk. Im sure the male studies have a much higher dose
Also, recent studies have shown deca improves fracture healing time in older patients. As far as i know it hasnt been studied in younger healthy patients but i see no reason why it wouldnt help

It's been 7 days after 2nd surgery. 3 plates and 14 screws. When should I introduce the deca? Is before physical therapy too soon? I imagine PT will start in a week or so. What dose? Im cruising on 150 mgs per week of test enthanate. The atrophy in my leg after just 2 and a half Weeks is unbelievable. Im using IGF in my quads, and im trying to get good hgh. I can't work now so hgh is very expensive for me. Thanks in advance for any help.
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It's been 7 days after 2nd surgery. 3 plates and 14 screws. When should I introduce the deca? Is before physical therapy too soon? I imagine PT will start in a week or so. What dose? Im cruising on 1/2 cc per week of test enthanate. The atrophy in my leg after just 2 and a half Weeks is unbearable. Im using IGF in my quads, and im trying to get good hgh. I can't work now so hgh is very expensive for me. Thanks in advance for any help.

I would say atleast 400 mg per week, however i personaly would do 600mg weekly
oh and maybe some deca npp if u can get it instead of the longer one, unless u already have it on hand ofcourse
Id start the deca asap if u havent already. Sorry i havent been able to dig up the studies to check on the dosage but a moderate dose like presser said will prob be ideal.
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I am also using NPP, 200 mgs / week, per the suggestions above along with a small dose of test e, 150 mgs per week. I will increase when physical therapy starts. I know you all suggested more NPP, but I don't have a lot, that's why I will increase when PT starts. Thanks for the input in advance.