Caberlin: A Key Solution for Managing Elevated Prolactin Levels

Jayne Scott

Approved VIP

Caberlin, a dopamine agonist, is specifically formulated to decrease prolactin levels. In the medical field, it's primarily used to treat prolactinomas—benign tumors of the pituitary gland that can cause an overproduction of prolactin. Additionally, athletes who use anabolic steroids like Nandrolone and Trenbolone, which can raise prolactin levels, often turn to Caberlin to manage these effects. Elevated prolactin can lead to gynecomastia and diminish libido, potentially progressing to erectile dysfunction (ED).

For many, Caberlin is an effective solution to counteract these issues, and steroid users often combine it with an aromatase inhibitor for comprehensive protection against the adverse effects of elevated prolactin. The typical dosage is 0.25 mg, taken twice a week, and it's generally advised to take Caberlin with an evening meal.

However, like any medication, Caberlin comes with potential side effects. Users may experience ankle and foot edema, headaches, hot flashes, dry mouth, drowsiness, nausea, and indigestion or vomiting. Managing prolactin levels is crucial for those who use anabolic steroids, and Caberlin offers an effective way to maintain hormonal balance and protect your overall health.