Cable Crossovers vs. Pec Deck Flyes


MuscleChemistry member
Which do like best? Which can you feel works the best? Both about the same? Both are not worth doing?

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cables by far. The pec deck where your arm is bent at a 90 degree angle destroys my shoulder. If its the one thats also a rear delt fly, then its okay but i still prefer cables
I do prefer cables, however i find it much harder to hit just the right angle to work the pec and not the front deltoid.

I agree that the peck dec really shocks my should joint where my small injury is but i do find that my upper pecks get far more pumped.
I always finish up my chest with the peck deck. I have tried the cables but for me I don't seem to get the same fullnesss and pump.
I like cables best and I do both on chest day as i hold the cables a little different then most people and do various movements with them,
I do both at the end of my chest workout. Usually deck first, then cables. I get retarded pumps at the end when I do it that way.
both are great exercises... but i especially like pecdec for the simple fact if you have a good partner you can get some sick negatives with it... not to mention most pecdecs have more weight on them than cables
I like them both, but I rarely do Cable Crossovers mainly because I can never get the same range of motion twice in a row and I know that I look like a monkey fucking a football when I do them